Dark Days

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As Kirsten walked into the room she took in the white walls and the smell of disinfectant.  Benedikte sat in a chair by the wall.  She stared at the television while Gry lay in bed with flushed cheeks.  Benedikte smiled to Kirsten as she saw her walk into the room.  Her smile quickly vanishes as she takes Kirsten in.  Kirsten’s hair was windswept and her eyes were vacant.

“Kirsten what’s wrong and where is Euronymous?”  She asked coming up to me and taking my hand.

Benedikte lead Kirsten to a chair as she started to cry.

“I have something to tell you and it’s gonna be hard to hear.”  Kirsten managed to choke out between sobs.

“When I went to pick Euronymous up I saw him lying in the stairwell bleeding.  I ran to him and he wouldn’t even tell me what happened.  He died in my arms and I-I-I’m s-s-so sorry G-G-Gry.”  Kirsten said and then took her head in her hands.

Silent tears started to flow from Gry’s eyes as she processed the news.  Kirsten and Benedikte sat on either side of Gry and cried together.  The girls sat there for what felt like hours.  Finally Gry managed to ask Kirsten something.

“Kirsten did he say anything before he died?”  Gry asked while tears continued to flow.

“Yes he did, he told me to let you know that he loved you and was sorry it had to end this way.  He also wanted Benedikte to know that he is sorry for everything.  Sorry that he caused you and Pelle grief and sorry for being a horrible friend.”  Kirsten explained.

They sat in silence for a second and then Kirsten told the girls she was gonna call all the guys in Mayhem even Necrobutcher and tell them what happened.  They could also visit Gry to and try to figure everything out. 

Attila, Hellhammer, Necrobutcher, and even Fenriz showed up within minutes of each other.  When they got to the room Gry had her baby, Evangelina, with her.  She was born with a full head of ginger hair and her father’s brown eyes.  She was beautiful and everyone was happy to meet her.  Once they all settled down Kirsten asked for everyone’s attention.

“The real reason I called you all here is I have something you must know.  This morning Euronymous died.  I found him dying in the stairwell of his apartment.  Before he passed he wanted to let you know he was sorry for being a horrible friend and for, well, everything.  Right now I don’t know what happened but I have a feeling Varg is involved.  Please do not contact him or confront him.  He’ll make a mistake and I want the authorities to handle it.”  Kirsten warned while tears fell down her cheeks.

Fenriz walked over to hug Kirsten and Hellhammer hadn’t released the grip he had on Benedikte’s side.  The whole room fell silent and everyone seemed saddened.  There were vacant stares in their eyes and no one knew what to say.

Throughout the rest of the day everyone filtered out.  Benedikte and Kirsten waited till visiting hours were over before leaving. 

That night Kirsten and Benedikte sat on the curb outside of the now closed Helvete store.  The night was black and cold.  The wind blew strongly through the trees and the air was damp.  They just sat there in silence looking up at the stars.

Benedikte was the first to speak.  “Do you really think Varg had something to do with this?  I know he’s an ass but this is unspeakable.”  Benedikte said slowly.

“I do but I don’t want to do anything plus I have no clue where to find Varg.  Just don’t be alarmed if you’re questioned by police.  I feel like something big is going to happen and it involves all of us.”  Kirsten said dead serious.

They finally set out on their way to their respective homes to be with their loved ones.  It was gonna be a crazy couple of weeks.

The next day there was a knock on Benedikte’s door.  It was early morning and she was still asleep.  She sat upright in bed as another knock was made.  She slowly put on her robe and went to open the door.

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