One Drunken Night

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The week of the Morbid Angel show more members of the scene showed up.  Abbath, Armagedda, and Demonaz from Immortal started coming around.  Varg had been around all week and staying in the room with me and Kirsten.  They had made it official and were now together.  Euronymous and Varg had been working on a promo cassette to prepare the masses for the Burzum debut. 

On the day of the show it was November and freezing when we left.

“Isn’t this exciting seeing Morbid Angel, Entombed, and Unleashed in one show?”  Benedikte said.

“I know, oh crap, we need to get downstairs it’s almost time to leave.”  Kirsten said eyeing her watch.

They made it downstairs where everyone was waiting.  Alva and Gry even managed to make it.

“Alva and Gry so glad you could make it.”  Kirsten exclaimed running to meet them.

“Yeah me too, we should start playing again.  This break has been kind of boring but Gry and I did manage to write some stuff.”  Alva said.

“Of course we’ll do that, but tomorrow after this show.”  Benedikte reasoned.

They left the store soon to make it to the venue on time.

“Hey Metalion we’ve missed you.”  Gry said running straight to hug him.

“Yeah I can’t believe you’re here and beautiful as usual.  So are you guys ready for the show?”  He asked.

“Can’t wait,” Hellhammer answered.

They headed into the venue.  Benedikte, Hellhammer, Kirsten and Varg met with Fenriz and Nocturno.

“Hey guys how is it going?  Hellhammer and I are going to grab some drinks did you want anything.”  Benedikte asked.

Fenriz and Nocturno already had drinks so they grabbed something for Kirsten and themselves.


On the other side of the bar Faust and Euronymous were hanging out.  They were talking in hushed tones about what was gonna happen at the party.  It was gonna be a wild affair.


“Jan, Euronymous has been acting strange lately, it’s like he’s a different person.  He’s acting evil and angrier” Benedikte said to Hellhammer as they grabbed drinks.

“A little but don’t worry about it.  He’s still as much as a nerd as he was before.  I just think he puts it on for the followers.”  Hellhammer reassured her as they headed back with the drinks.

 “That was so much fun Jan.  I don’t think it could have been better.  I just hope the party is just as fun.”  Benedikte said breathlessly after the show.

When they arrived at the store the party was in full force.  Candles lit up the room and it was a mad house.  The minute Benedikte stepped inside there was chaos all around.  There were people cutting their arms with broken glass and steak knives.  Benedikte was already pretty drunk so she just kept downing drinks handed to her.


Kirsten and Varg sat in a corner away from the chaos.  They weren’t drinking and were staying quiet.  Observing the insanity unfold and hoping it wouldn’t get to out of control.


The partygoers were going insane.  They shot holes in the wall and one guy had nails embedded in his forehead.  Benedikte lost Hellhammer and decided to hang around Euronymous.  When she came closer to him she noticed a bullwhip in his hand.  He was whipping his back causing blood to soak his shirt.

“Euronymous could you do that to me.  It looks really cool,” she said slurring her words.

“Are you sure?  It really hurts, I’m not sure your ready for it.”  He said in the same drunken state.

“Yeah do it, I’m not a wuss like everyone thinks I am.”  She said.

Once her sentence was over she was hit by the whip.  Normally it would hurt like hell but with all the alcohol it didn’t faze her.  He did it three separate times until she felt arms pulling her back.  She blacked out after that and had some awful nightmares.

The next morning Benedikte woke up in blinding pain.  Her head was throbbing and her back was burning.  She was gonna sit up but she couldn’t lift her body.

“Benedikte you’re awake,” Hellhammer said coming into the room.

“What happened?”  She asked.

“Last night you let Euronymous whip your back.  Good thing I intervened when I did.”

“Oh no, I’m so sorry Jan.  I was so drunk I don’t remember what happened last night.”   Benedikte said fighting back the tears.

“Don’t worry we took care of your back but it’s still pretty bad.  You’ll have to stay up here.  When you’re feeling better the girls will have a lot to show you”  Hellhammer said and left the room.

Benedikte later found out that on that night a graveyard was desecrated with pentagrams and 666 spray painted everywhere.  She just couldn’t believe what had happened that night.    

The next week everyone came to see her.  She wrote some more lyrics and the girls came up to play her what they had gotten done.  Euronymous apologized and he took care of her when not working on the promo cassette with Varg.  When she was well enough she started working with the girls again.

Author’s Note

Sorry its short but I felt good stopping this chapter here.  The part about the bullwhip is one of the stories that has been told about Euronymous.  Don’t know if it’s true but it seemed like an interesting thing to put in the story.

If anybody is still reading this I’d love to hear some comments.  The feedback has been amazing and thanks to everyone.  Just curious if my readers are hanging in there.

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