All We Know is Falling

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Well as they say all good things must come to an end.  Benedikte’s positive outlook was ruined on June sixth.  It all started that morning.

It was Kirsten and her day to work at Helvete.  While running the register Varg took Kirsten aside.  Benedikte could see them out of the corner of her eye.  Their conversation started normally but then became heated.  Kirsten walked into the back room and Varg walked out the door.  That was weird because he never left Kirsten when she was upset. 

So during their break Benedikte asked Kirsten what was going on.

“Kirsten what happened between you and Varg?”  Benedikte questioned.

“Well that jackass decided to go to Bergen tonight and burn down the Fantoft stave church.  I told him that it was illegal and that destroying property is just wrong.  He said it was something he had to do.  To remind the people of Norway that they are still the children of Odin,” she said mimicking him.

“Really, that is so idiotic and sophomoric.  I know he’ll do it but I just don’t see the point.  People who believe so strongly in God are not going to be stopped because some idiots burned down churches.” 

“I know I guess I can forget about it but it’s just dumb.  Well let’s just not let it ruin our lives.  Come on let’s get Faust off that register he looks like he’s gonna kill the customers.”  Kirsten said heading back inside.

Kirsten also asked Benedikte to keep quiet and that Varg would own up to it in time.

In the next few weeks the girls finished recording their album and Euronymous was mixing it in his basement studio.  Their new album was titled ‘The Dead Will Rise’ and was homage to Dead’s favorite movie ‘Evil Dead’.

Not only did Varg burn down the church he also became a fascist.  It wasn’t that weird because he was constantly changing his political views.  He was the one that had hung swastika flags in the rehearsal room. 

In that week Varg confessed to the inner circle that he was the one that did it.  A lot of the guys agreed with him including Faust and Euronymous.  The ones that didn’t approve just didn’t understand.

The only thing that the burnings caused was news reports showing the charred remains.  Not only were the burnings a publicly known fact but the new Burzum album would be called ‘Aske’ (Ash).  The only smart thing was that because the album cover would feature the burning Fantoft church on the front, it would not be released until next year.

Over the next few days Varg and Euronymous fought a lot.  It was mostly over money and that Euronymous was leaching off of Varg’s talent and record sells.  It was funny because the new Burzum album wouldn’t be released until later.

“Varg can I talk to you,” Kirsten said to him one night.

“Sure but if it’s about the churches I’ve already explained it,” Varg answered.

“Oh just shut up about that, I just don’t care anymore.  Look I love you but I feel like we’re not connecting.  We haven’t even become intimate yet.  I want to take the next step in this relationship.”

“Of course I understand I want to take that next step with you.  Just at the time I wasn’t sure what I wanted with this relationship.  Come on let’s go up to the room.”  Varg said winking and grabbing her hand.


Benedikte needed to talk to Euronymous.  She hadn’t seen him since Varg burned down the church.  She needed some answers.

“Euronymous we need to talk,” Benedikte told him seriously.

“Yeah come on down to the basement where it’s quieter.”

They stepped into the damp and drafty basement.  Benedikte really had to get it all out and was glad to have some peace and quiet.

“Euronymous I first wanted to know why the girls and I haven’t seen any money from our last album.  I know you sold half of the first pressings.”  Benedikte asked first.

“Like I told Varg I just don’t have the money.  All of it goes into running this place because recently the customers aren’t what they used to be.  No one understands how hard all of this is but I can’t give up now.”

“Ok I understand that.  Lastly and this is just to see how you’re doing, how is it going with Gry?”

“It’s going great.  Sorry I didn’t tell you but I wasn’t sure if it was real or not.  I have to admit I will always have a place in my heart for Kirsten but I think Gry is the one.  I know it hasn’t been long but she makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.  I would love to marry her but that would be a few years from now.”  Euronymous said giving Benedikte a rare smile.

“I’m glad Euronymous you seem happier for the first time in a long time.”  Benedikte said.

She gave her best friend a hug and ran back up the stairs.  She noticed by the wall clock that she was late for dinner at Hellhammer’s place.  When she made it up stairs she could hear noises coming from her and Kirsten’s room.  From what she could hear it was apparent they wanted to be alone.  She ran down the stairs without changing and made her way to Hellhammer’s house.

Meanwhile in Lillehammer…

Faust was sitting in the new Olympic Park and a man approached him.  He wanted to know if Faust wanted to join him in the woods. 

They both walked into the deep dark forest.  The other man turned to face Faust and walked toward him.  He had his arms outstretched as if coming to embrace Faust.  When the man was close enough Faust pulled out the knife in his back pocket.  Faust swiftly thrust his knife into the man’s stomach.  As the blood spread out soaking the man’s shirt, Faust pulled the knife in an upward motion.

The man screamed for his life yelling “no, no, please stop.”  Faust then retracted the knife and stabbed the man over and over again.  Once the man was on the ground and the light had left his eyes, Faust began to walk home.  Faust walked slowly without any thoughts in his head.  It was the first time he had killed a man and he felt no remorse for doing it.

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