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You had the worst luck.

The sky was dark today, not unusual for where you live, but you didn't really give it a second thought.

You had been minding your own buissness strolling through the outskirts of campus, listening to music through your earbuds, when a drop of water landed on your cheek. A quick glance at the sky told you that it was about to start pouring, and you quickly looked around for somewhere to get out of the rain.

Another drop fell.

Nowhere. You were basically walking along a path through a park, which meant that there were no nearby buildings, unless you felt like sprinting for 5 minutes.

The rain finally began to sprinkle, and within a minute, it turned into a steady downpour.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me", you mumbled to yourseld outloud, as you wrapped your arms around your body, and pulled the hood of your sweatshirt over your head. You picked up the pace, halfway jogging, halfway running in the direction in which you knew you would find cover.

This was the last thing you needed. The whole reason you were even out here was to clear your mind. Apparently Mikasa was going to be in town in three days, and Historia had already made plans for the group to go out to dinner with her that night.

You didn't even know why you were so nervous to meet her. You thought you were being silly getting so stressed out over someone you hadn't even met, hence why you had decided to get some fresh air and go for a walk.

And look how that turned out.

Is this a sign, Universe?

You might have imagined it, but you thought it started raining a little harder.

"Okay I'm going to need you to be a little more clear here, Universe", you said aloud, looking up at the sky with your hands on your hips. You had stopped walking now, accepting the fact that you were going to be soaked.

The sky did not answer.

"Ugh! Come on, tell me! Is this some kind of sign that Mikasa is bad news?"

It was a good thing that everyone else had fled once the rain had started, so no one else was there to observe your little shouting match with the clouds.

"Fine then! Don't answer! Be a little bitch, see if I care". You waited a few seconds, just in case the Universe decided to answer this time. When it didn't, you threw your arms up, and your head back, and let out a loud groan before stomping your feet.

"Maybe this is just a stupid sign that I should go be a stripper, or go try coke or something", you grumbled as you continued walking, not bothering to be quick considering you were already soaked.

As soon as the words left your lips, a violent crack of lightning ripped through the sky, causing you to jump.

You stared wide eyed at the clouds, your jaw hanging open.

So now the Universe answers??

"WAIT WHICH IS IT?!", you yelled at the sky, the water now pelting your face harder than ever.

"What the hell are you doing?", a familiar voice called out, startling you.


Unaware that you were, infact, not alone, you spun around to find who had called out to you.

Your heart was beating out of your chest, and your face was now completly flushed despite the cold rain soaking you to your core.

Just This Once || ErenxreaderxjeanWhere stories live. Discover now