Chapter 2

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Walking into the building today, things seemed kind of strange. Everyone in the gym was whispering and looking up in the bleachers. All of the girls were giggling to themselves.

"What's going on?" I asked everyone as I walked up to my friends.

"We got a bunch of new kids today. All of the girls are going crazy. I don't get it," Jackson replied.

"I think you're just jealous because the attention isn't on you," BamBam teased.

I looked up to the bleachers and saw all of the new kids. Wow, there were twelve of them. That's a bit odd to be getting that many new kids at once, especially since they all seemed to be good friends already. And seriously, how could all of them be so good looking?

"Where are they from?" I asked curiously, still staring at the boys.

"South Korea," Jackson mumbled.

"Ha! So they're stealing that from you too, huh, Jackson?" I laughed at his childish attitude towards the new guys. "Relax, sooner or later they will be old news and you can go back to being the center of attention."

"All I know is I get first dibs, and I think I like the tall one with the big smile," my friend Sydney said, "and that means you need to stay away from him, Jessica."

"What? Me? Why did you single me out?" I questioned, "Yeah I might have a lot of guy friends, but they aren't interested in me that way. You should be saying that to Brooke; she's the one that gets that attention!"

"Are you blind?!" Mary yelled at me, "You're the most popular girl in school with the guys! They all drool over you. And, besides, Brooke only gets that attention because she's easy. You, my friend, are a challenge, and boys love a challenge."

As I continued to talk and laugh with my friends I felt eyes on me. I looked up and saw the one that Sydney likes looking down at us. He didn't even budge when he saw me look up at him.

"You just might get what you wanted, Sydney. He's up there staring down here."

"He's not just staring. Look, he's coming down," our friend Meg added.

"Oh my god, how do I look? Good? Ok? Presentable?" Sydney said freaking out.

"You look fine! Ah, calm down, he's just a guy," Yugyeom said exasperated.

"Yeah, it's not like it's me coming to talk to you," Jackson said with a smirk.

"Oh, please," I joked.

"Um, excuse me," I heard. As I turned around the guy from the bleachers was standing in front of me.

"Oh, hi!" Sydney said with a little too much excitement, "You're one of the new guys, right? Ha that was a dumb question, of course you are. I'm Sydney."

"I'm Chanyeol," he replied after a short pause with a huge smile.

"Oh my gosh," I said without thinking.

"What? Is there something wrong?" he asked confused.

"No, I'm sorry, I guess I just wasn't expecting your voice to be so deep," I said trying to recover.

"Haha, yeah, I get that a lot. Well, I'm sorry to bother you, but my friends and I don't really know our way around the school. We just wanted to know if you would help us out," he said looking at me.

"Yeah, of course I can," I replied.

"I can help too. I've been here longer than Jessica, I could probably help a bit more," Sydney jumped in, even though I've been here since elementary school.

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