Chapter 9

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Key's P.O.V.

Here we are at yet another meeting, and yet again all they seem to talk about is protecting Jess. 'Keep her safe,' 'Be mindful of who is in earshot,' 'Don't be careless when speaking of her abilities'. Honestly, I'm just tired of hearing how delicate she is. If something happens to her, it would be her own fault. She is supposed to be this all powerful being, but yet she stills needs all of us to protect her. I never signed up to be anyone's bodyguard. Honestly, I almost wish something would happen to her. I almost want her to be put in danger just to see how powerful she really is.

Suho's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the living room when Chanyeol walked in with a huge smile on his face. He hasn't lost that smile since his date with Jessica. Their date was several days ago, but I still keep hearing all about it.

"Hey, Suho, what are you reading? Are those notes? We don't have a test at school or something, do we? Even if we did, why would you study? Our grades don't really matter," he said, sitting next to me.

"They're notes that I have about kids at school. I got a list of everyone enlisted, and I have been making personal notes on all of them since we were sent to the school. They are just notes about their backgrounds, their personalities, anything out of the ordinary that I have noticed, groups of friends, that kind of stuff. I am just going over them now to see if I've been missing something. We've been going there for a while, and still none of us have any leads. This witch must be very good at keeping a secret. And either no one else knows about her, or her friends are good at keeping secrets too," I said, staring at the notes that I've taken.

"Maybe Namjoon was wrong," he replied, smiling at his phone. He was texting Jessica, no doubt.

"What do you mean maybe he was wrong?" I questioned.

"Maybe he gave us the wrong school, or maybe there just isn't even a super powerful witch."

"Why would you think that?" I asked, getting annoyed with his laid back attitude that he has had with this mission from the beginning.

"Well, why have none of us found anything? There are twelve of us looking for this one girl, and like you said, none of us have found anything? Why is that?"

"Maybe it's because some of us aren't focused on the issue. Maybe it's because some of us are too busy texting girls from school. Maybe it's because some of us can't get our thoughts away from someone long enough to be able to focus on anything else. Maybe that's why, Chanyeol." I could feel my blood boiling. This guy just can't get it through his head, can he?

"You're still angry about me and Jess aren't you, Suho?" he said with a smirk. "You really just want me to let her go, don't you? It's not going to happen. I'm actually planning on asking her to be my girlfriend. That's okay with you, isn't it, boss?" he continued, still with a smirk on his face.

"Why can't you just listen to me? I'm trying to look out for you, Chanyeol."

"No, you're not, Suho! You're trying to look out for you!" he yelled, standing up. "Jess has never done anything to anyone in this group, except help us, except be kind to us, except make me happy. You're my friend, Suho. Why is it so bad for you to see me happy?"

"I want you to be happy, Chanyeol, it's just..."

"No you don't, Suho!" he screamed, cutting me off. "If you wanted me to be happy, you would leave my relationship with Jessica alone! You're obviously so jealous of my relationship that it is killing you to see me happy with someone. She's not the witch, so why is it so bad that we're together?"

"You don't know that, Chanyeol, none of us do! For all we know she's playing you! For all we know she's playing all of us! She could be the witch, and the second she finds out what you are she may turn on you!" I yelled back.

"You don't know anything, Suho! She wouldn't do that to me, witch or not. She cares about me, she wants to see me happy, she wouldn't try to hurt me!"

By this time all of the guys had gathered into the room to see what was going on.

"Chanyeol, please, just listen to me," I calmly stated, trying to gain control of both of our anger levels. "Try not to get angry at me for saying this, but I'm not so sure about her and her friends. I was looking through those notes and some of her friends seem off to me. Youngjae and his group of friends are all super athletic, they all seem to know what the others will do before they do it, and I've seen them running into the woods near the school on several occasions. Don't you think that's all a little off?"

"So what? There are a ton of kids at that school that are athletic, and they're best friends; haven't you ever heard the saying 'I know you better than you know yourself'? It would make sense that they can predict what the other will do. And maybe they just like to run on the path in the woods; it's peaceful out there," he replied defensively. "I don't even like those guys, Suho. Don't you think that if I thought even for a second there was something off I would keep an eye on it? And even if there was something off about them, that has nothing to do with Jess."

"Guys, maybe we should get off this subject for a while," Chen said, stepping in.

"He's right. Things are clearly getting heated. Just take a break," Xiumin added.

"It's time for dinner anyways," D.O. said.

All the guys started to go into the dining room except Chanyeol and I, who stayed glaring at each other for a few moments.

"Leave Jess out of this, Suho. I mean it."

"What if she is the witch, Chanyeol? What do you expect me to do then?"

"Let it go, and leave her alone. If it is her and something happens to her, I'll know who to blame. And I'm sure you'd hate to see what I would do to get back at that person," he said, trying to intimidate me.

With that he left the room. I skipped dinner and went up to my room to continue looking through my notes. I needed to find out what was up with Youngjae and his friends, and just how much of it Jess knows about.

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