Chapter 10

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Youngjae's P.O.V.

*huffing* I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. I had been running around these woods non-stop for over an hour. I needed some time to myself to let out my anger. Jess and Chanyeol are official now; they have been for about a month.

I remember the day he asked her. He came into school with a bullhorn siren blaring. Of course, that got everyone's attention. Jess was with me and our friends when he came in. We all stopped and looked at him as he spoke into the bullhorn.


"This guy can't be serious," Youngjae said with an annoyed expression.

"Chanyeol, what are you doing, you goof?!" Jess yelled at him with a smile.

"I'm trying to tell everyone how much I care about you," he said back. "For those of you who are blind, I am completely falling for Jessica Anderson. She is the only person who can make me smile when all I want to do is frown. Honestly, I know that I haven't known her that long, only a little over a month, but I think I love her. I've never felt love, so I don't know for sure, but I always imagined that this is what it would feel like. And love is a mysterious thing. One day you feel nothing, empty, and then the next day someone comes along and makes you feel whole. It felt as though my heart had been stopped for hundreds of years, and then she came into my life and filled it, and now it never misses a beat."

"Get to the point," Youngjae said under his breath. All of his friends turned to look at him with a sad expression, except Jessica, who was too engrossed with Chanyeol's words to hear anything but him.

"I just feel really happy with her, and want to spend as much time as I can with her." At that time Xiumin walked up to Chanyeol with a bouquet of white roses, which were Jessica's favorite. "So, Jessica Anderson, will you be my girlfriend?"

Youngjae's P.O.V.

I can still see her face when he asked. It haunts me in my nightmares, seeing how happy she was. She was gleaming. I've been out here running trying to forget the images I constantly see now. I always see them holding hands in the hallway, him hugging her from behind at his locker, them sneaking kisses when no one is looking, her face lighting up when she gets a text message from him. I can't take it.

I continued running to try to stop myself from thinking of it. As I was running, I heard something else running. I stopped for a minute to listen. When I stopped, the noises stopped. Something seemed off, like I was being following. I tried to smell, but I picked up nothing, so I kept running. Again, footsteps following me. I stopped again and looked around. Nothing. I started to run again, faster this time, but I still heard running. And whatever it was, it was keeping up. I mind messaged the boys and told them to come out here, just in case.

Suho's P.O.V.

As I was leaving school, I noticed Youngjae going into the woods on his own. I needed to get to the bottom of his situation, and I figured this may be my only chance, so I followed him in. I tried to keep my distance so he wouldn't see me, and I tried to be as quiet as possible by tiptoeing through the woods. But, when he started to run, I had no choice but to chase after him.

He stopped for a few minutes to catch his breath. He looked like something was bothering him. After he regained his breath, he started to run again, but then stopped suddenly. I watched for a moment from a distance, confused at why he had stopped, and then began running again when he did. Then, he stopped again. When he started to look around, I realized that he must have heard me, so I jumped into the closest tree. When he started to run again, I chased, but from a much further distance.

Then, his friends all showed up. *Why did they all show up at once? And how did they know he was here?* I thought to myself. Everything about these guys seems off.

"Hey, Youngjae," Mark said, looking around.

"Why are you out here running by yourself?" Yugyeom said, trying to focus on him, but clearly glancing around.

"Yeah, it can be dangerous out here," JB said flatly, as if rehearsed.

"Right, let's go," BamBam added, trying to leave the situation.

"We called Jessica. She said she'd come to my house with Meg and Kaylee after her date with Chanyeol for a movie night," Junior added. Youngjae just seemed saddened by that comment. It's clear he has a thing for Jessica, too.

They all left. Jackson lingered for a minute looking around. Why does he seem so suspicious of the woods. Youngjae should be the only one being unsure.

After they all left, I came down from the tree I was hiding in. I slid my back down the tree and sat with my head in my hands. I wish these guys would stop giving me reasons to be skeptical of them. They are Jessica's best friends, and I know if I find out anything bad about them, it could hurt her too, and that would hurt Chanyeol.

I honestly don't mind Jessica as a person, but her relationship with Chanyeol just gets in the way sometimes. Recently, I've been more and more wary of searching for the witch in the small chance that it is her, or one of her close friends. If it ended up being Jessica or someone she is close to, I think Chanyeol would be devastated. *It's been nice seeing him so happy lately* I thought to myself. Chanyeol has always been the happy one of the group, people even call him the happy virus. Somehow Jessica has made the happy virus even happier than he has ever been. Maybe their relationship isn't so bad after all.

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