Chapter 22

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Youngjae's P.O.V.

"Hey guys," I said as I came down the stairs.

"She asleep?" Mark asked, sitting down with a bowl of ramen.

"Yeah, she just fell asleep."

"Took her long enough!" Jackson said loudly, still sitting on the counter.

"Shh!" JB scolded. "Do you want to wake her back up? You already were getting irritated that it took her so long already, and now you want to add to it?"

"No, sorry," Jackson replied quietly.

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to," JB said, nodding in my direction.

"Sorry, man. And I don't mean to get so impatient with her. I know she's going through a lot with the whole vampire group being after her thing. And now Key is against her, and let's not even mention the Chanyeol situation."

Chanyeol. If I could never hear that name again it would solve a lot of my problems. Between Jessica's depression over him and her mood swings due to her lack of sleep caused by dreams of him, I have a lot on my plate. Plus having to protect her and keep Namjoon and his creeps away from her, I'm overloaded with worries. And he is the cause of it all. Chanyeol.

"You okay, Youngjae?" Yugyeom asked, looking at me with a puzzled look.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine, sorry. I was just thinking."

"About what?" Junior jumped in, walking into the room.

"How long do you think it will be before Namjoon finds her?" I asked with a dispirited expression.

"Honestly? I have no idea. No one does. But we all are going to do whatever it takes to protect her, Youngjae," JB answered, putting his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Yeah, Youngjae," BamBam added. "That's why we're looking into different places around the world. We'll get her out of here before he has a chance to catch her. We'll run forever if we have to. She's worth it."

"Thanks guys. It really means a lot to me that you'd give up everything to help me protect her."

"We're not just doing it for you, Youngjae. I mean, we are, but not just for you. For her too. She's our best friend, our sister. I don't know what we'd do it something happened to her," Mark said quietly.

I smiled at that because I knew he was being honest. Jessica is the kind of girl that everyone loves in one way or another. That's why I was willing to do whatever it took to protect her, even if it meant packing up my life and moving away. We've been looking for houses in several places all over the world: Toronto, Chicago, London, Capetown, Seoul. We just want to find the safest place for her. And honestly, the sooner I can get her far away from Chanyeol the better.

"Uh oh. Guys we've got to go. Youngjae, you may want to come to," JB announced out of nowhere.

"Why? What's going on?" I asked frantically.

"I'm not sure. I just got a text from Yuri. She said we needed to meet at the pack house ASAP."

"Should we wake up Jessica?" Yugyeom asked as he grabbed his jacket.

"It already took her forever to fall asleep. Are we really going to wake her up?" Jackson responded.

"I'm not leaving her here alone," I said defensively. "You guys go. I'll stay back."

"Youngjae, they still haven't even come any where near this house. They have no idea she's here. The way Yuri worded it made it sound important. I think you should come hear what she has to say," JB tried reasoning. "Besides, if it starts to take too long you can always leave, and Jess has her phone. She knows to call you if she's in trouble. She'll be fine."

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