Chapter 11

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Chanyeol's P.O.V.

Four months. For four months I have been with the most amazing girl I have ever met. I've lived a long life. I've met many people during this long life. During this life, I've never met anyone that makes me feel the way that Jess does. I never thought I would find anyone. I thought I would be alone for all of eternity, that it would always just be me and the guys. And then this crazy, wonderful girl came into my life when I was least expecting it and stole my heart. Well, what was left of it.

It's about 12:30 now, and we are nearing the end of our date. I decided the best way to finish it off was to lay at the park and gaze at the stars, but I think that I've been doing way more staring at her than at the stars. She's just laying there, quietly gazing up at the night sky.

"What are you thinking?" I ask her.

"Hm?" she responded, turning towards me.

"I said 'what are you thinking?'. You've been pretty quiet tonight."

"Oh," she said turning back to face the sky. "It's nothing really. Just getting lost in my thoughts."

"What kind of thoughts are you having? Good? Bad?"

"I'm not sure."

"It's not about me is it?" I ask, beginning to worry. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me as I feel about her?

"No, of course not. It's our friends," she says, turning back towards me. "I just can't understand the way Suho and my friends react to us together."

"What do you mean?" I ask genuinely.

"Well, my friends are always so happy and bubbly whenever it's just us, but whenever you are around, they seem quiet and just start exchanging glances, at least the guys do. I don't understand why. You're a good guy, and they can see that I'm happy, so I don't know why they act that way. They know the kind of relationship I had with my last boyfriend, so I guess I just figured they would be happy when I met a genuinely nice guy."

I just nodded my head as she spoke, realizing that she had no clue of the feelings that Youngjae has for her. Maybe that's a good thing.

"And then Suho is confusing too. When I first met you all, he was extremely distant, like he wanted nothing to do with me. Now, he seems to have loosened up a bit, but he is still really awkward. Like, he just seems to fake his laughs when I'm around because everyone else is laughing. Or he will sit near me, but then I'll catch him just staring, like he's trying to figure me out."

"Suho has always been that way with everyone, not just you, so don't let it get to you. That is just who he is. He is very skeptical of people. He's like my brother, and he just wants to protect me. I think he is just trying to make sure I won't get hurt; he really means no harm by it."

"I'm not saying he is trying to scare me away or anything. I just mean that I don't understand why he is still so distant. I feel like we've known each other long enough for him to trust me."

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