Chapter 19

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Hey, Jess, how are you doing?" I didn't have to look up to know it was Youngjae.

"Is that really a question?" I said, staring at my bowl of cereal.

"I figured I'd ask. I hoped the answer would be different this time," he replied, sitting down in the chair next to me. 

We were currently at Youngjae's house. We have been alternating between his house and the pack house. Youngjae and the rest of the pack thought we should continue switching back and forth. They didn't think it would be good for me to only see one surrounding day and night. Ever since the vampires attacked us, Youngjae hasn't let me out of his sight. The only time I get away from Youngjae is whenever either of us needs to shower or go to the bathroom. I've even had to share a bed with him these past couple of weeks. He doesn't trust anyone else with me either. Ever since finding out Key was the one to sell me out, Youngjae has been afraid of other pack members following suit, just as Key's friends did. The only other members Youngjae trusts to be alone with me are Mark, Bambam, Jackson, Jr., JB, and Yugyeom. I haven't gone to school, either; everyone feels like it would be too dangerous. The principal at the school is an older member of our pack, so he excuses me, Youngjae, and the rest of the guys.

Everything has changed these past few weeks, and I hate it. I miss the days before all of this. I miss going to school. I miss getting to play sports. I miss hanging out with friends outside of the pack. I miss getting time to myself without someone keeping an eye on me. I miss being able to take walks through the woods, or anywhere for that matter. I miss feeling safe. I miss being able to go through my day without worrying about someone trying to kill me. But most of all, I miss Chanyeol. 

Crazy, I know. How could I miss a vampire that was searching for me, just so he could kill me? He says he wasn't. He says he was only looking for a witch, but didn't want them dead. He says that he didn't know it was me, and that if he did he would keep it to himself. He yelled something to Suho about JB when we were at the clearing. Did he know about JB being a wolf? If he did, why didn't he tell the rest of his pack? Was he really trying to keep me safe? Does he really still want to be together or does he just want to lure me back to Namjoon? What do I believe? Do I go with my heart or my brain? How can I trust him again?

"Jess. Jess. Jess!" I was shaken out of my thoughts by Youngjae. "Are you done with your cereal? It's getting soggy."

"Yeah, I'm done. Sorry."

"What are you apologizing for. It's just cereal, no big deal. I can go buy more."

"Youngjae, when will things go back to normal?"

He sighed, "I don't know, Jess. I wish I could tell you. I wish I could say that it would all be over soon and that you'd be safe, but I can't. We've got some of our best guys searching for Namjoon and his pack, but I don't know how long it will take to find him. And even if we kill him, who knows what pack members will still be after you. I can't tell you how long it will take, but I can tell you that no matter how longs it is, I will be by your side through it all."

I looked at Youngjae and gave him a small smile. I knew what he said was true. I knew that he would never leave my side. Through everything that has happened to me, I knew that the one person I could trust with anything was Youngjae. He was my rock, and I needed him. As much as I hated to admit it, as annoying as it can get having him here all the time, I knew that without him, I couldn't go on. He was everything I needed right now; well, almost everything.

Youngjae's P.O.V.

I was laying beside her, watching her sleep. I watched the rise and fall of her chest. I listened to the soft breaths coming from her mouth. I studied every inch of her face. She was having another nightmare, I could tell by the way she would continue to crease her forehead.

"Jessica, wake up," I whispered, shaking her out of her sleep, "It's just a dream."

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she just stared straight ahead at the wall behind me. "What was it this time?"

"Chanyeol," she sighed.

"Again?" She just nodded her head. "Good or bad?" I questioned. I could tell she was still conflicted about whether or not to believe Chanyeol just by her dreams. Some night he was her knight in shining armor, standing up to Namjoon and saving her in the process. Other nights he was her own personal Freddy Krueger, killing her in her mind.

"Bad," she replied as her eyes started to water. "Why me, Youngjae? Why did all of this have to happen to me? Why couldn't I just be a normal kid? Why did I have to be some special witch? Why couldn't Chanyeol be human? Why did he have to be on the other side?"

Tears were now rolling down her face, soaking my shirt that she was clinging to. I hated seeing her like this. I hated knowing that he held so much of her heart that he was capable of doing this to her. Jessica is a strong girl, one of the strongest girls I know, yet he can still torture her without even being here. He can still play with her emotions even in her state of unconsciousness. All I could do was kiss her forehead and rub her back telling her that it was alright. After crying for a while, she finally fell back asleep. 

It was nights like these that let me know exactly what I needed to do. I would do everything in my power to keep Chanyeol away from Jessica. I would do everything I could to keep her safe from him and his pack, even if it means killing every last one of them.

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