Chapter 7

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Youngjae's P.O.V.

Jess and I were on our third movie. We watched two comedies first because I let her pick. Comedies were her favorite; she never was the type to like sappy chick flicks. She felt bad that she was choosing all of the movies, so she told me to choose the next one. I, of course, chose a horror movie. They are, afterall, the perfect movie to watch with a girl you're interested in.

"All right, let's get it going!" she said excitedly. Jess also loved scary movies; any time someone wants to go see a new one in theaters, she is the first one to volunteer to go with them.

"Ok, but before we start it, why don't you tell me about this date?"

"Oh, ok. Well Chanyeol just asked me to hang out again. At first I assumed he meant with all of his friends, but then he said he wanted it to just be the two of us."

"Are you excited?"

"Yes, very excited. Also, extremely nervous. I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I was this nervous for something. Our volleyball team went to State last year and even that didn't make me this nervous."

"Why are you so nervous for it? It's just another date; it's not like you haven't been on dates," I said, a bit annoyed that she seemed so happy to see Chanyeol again.

"It's because those other dates weren't with Chanyeol. I don't know what it is about him, but he just makes me really happy. Ever since Key and I broke up, I haven't been able to find a guy that made me happy. I just dated guys, but it never went anywhere. I never felt any strong connections with anyone. I was beginning to worry that I would be hung up on Key for years. Chanyeol changed all of that, though. After spending the time I have with him, I don't even think about Key anymore, and when I do it doesn't make me sad. It's not in a 'I miss you' sort of way, but more of a 'why did I waste my time on you?' sort of way. I can't help but smile when I am with him, or even when I think of him. I feel happy again. It's a good feeling."

I could have broken down just from hearing that. I don't think that I have ever felt so heart-broken in my life. What she was saying about him was starting to sound like what I feel towards her. It hurt knowing that I was losing her.

"So you're opening up to him? You're letting him in?" I asked, hoping she would deny it.

"Yeah, I guess I am."

I didn't know how to respond to that. All I could do was nod and hope she couldn't see the disappointment and heartbreak in my face.

"Let's turn the movie on!" she exclaimed, breaking the silence.

Sometime during the movie, Jess started to nod off and laid her head on my shoulder. Eventually, we ended up laying together on the couch after she had fallen asleep. I used her phone to text her mom telling her that she would be staying at my house. Jess had stayed over here a few times before. Our parents are friends and her mom trusts me, so I knew she wouldn't mind.

I laid there with her thinking about everything that was going on. I just stared at the ceiling, trying to think of ways to keep them apart. Then I turned to look at Jess and suddenly my mind went blank. She tends to do that to me; I always lose my concentration when she is around. I just admired how peacefully she slept. I still don't know how someone could be so perfect.

I ended up trying to sleep after I watched her sleep for awhile. I rolled onto my side and put my arm around her. At least if we aren't together now, I can enjoy this moment for what it is. I know I can't stop her from going on her date tomorrow, but I will do what I can to try to make that the last one she goes on with Chanyeol.

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