Chapter 6

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Youngjae's P.O.V.

I drove up to Jessica's house a little early to pick her up. I was too anxious to talk with her, so I just couldn't wait. I hardly got any sleep last night, all I could do was think of Jess and what she did with Chanyeol and his friends. Did she have fun? Are they going to start hanging out more often? Will she start to open up to him? Is it possible that he can steal her away from me in both a romantic relationship and a friendship sort of way? I needed to find out what happened. Even now, as I wait for her to come out, I can't stop thinking about it.

*Ahem* I heard someone clear their throat. I turned and Jess was giving me a weird look.

"Did you even notice that I got in the car?" she laughed.

"Sorry, Jess, I was just thinking," I said as I started to drive away.

"About what?" I couldn't tell her that I hadn't been able to get her off my mind, so I thought of something quickly.

"Just about this meeting. I always get nervous when we have these. I know that lately everyone has been worried about your safety and about keeping your strength a secret. Every time we have a meeting I'm afraid that they are going to tell us that you're in danger, that someone found out about you and is after you. I just want to know that you're always safe."

"You worry too much, Youngjae," she sighed, "I haven't been hurt by anyone yet, have I?"

"Not yet, you haven't, but that doesn't mean you can't in the future."

"I'm 17 years old, Jae. Ever since I was born I was supposed to end up as this powerful witch. If no one outside of our group has figured it out yet, then why are you so worried that they will now?"

"It's always been one of my worries. Yes, you have gone 17 years without being in danger, but that is 17 years worth of people knowing about you. That's 17 years for information to spread to the wrong people. Maybe someone accidently let it slip in conversation one day about a powerful witch, and it spread to someone who would want to hurt you?"

"I'm sure if they were worried that I was in danger, they would have been more urgent about this meeting. It's probably just another check-in and catch up meeting that we always have."

"You're probably right. I just can't help but worry. If anything were to happen to you, I'd never be able to forgive myself. I care about you too much."

"I know you do, Jae, and I appreciate you wanting to protect me. I tell you that all the time, but you have better things to do than sit around and worry about me. Go out, have fun, don't think about negative situations."

"I'll try. Speaking of going out, how was last night?" I asked, trying to get details about the night before without seeming to desperate for information.

"It was really fun. I had a great time," she said with a smile. I usually love seeing her smile, but this time it broke my heart a little. I hated knowing that she was smiling for him. She didn't say he was the reason for her good time; it could have been any of his friends, but I knew it was him.

"Chanyeol asked me out."

"What?!" I said as we pulled into the driveway of the meeting house in the woods.

"He asked me on a date. We can talk about it more later," she said walking towards the house.

My heart broke completely at those words. He really was taking her from me. A few weeks ago she had no intentions of dating. A few weeks ago there weren't any guys that had her attention in that way. A few weeks ago I was the only guy she spent her time alone with. A few weeks ago I didn't have to worry over who she was with and if she would be interested in them. But that was all before he came. Before he stole her attention. Before he started to take her away. I could feel my blood start to boil. Wolves' tempers are very bad, and it is hard to control our anger. I wanted nothing more at this moment than to find Chanyeol and rip his head off.

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