Chapter 21

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Chanyeol's P.O.V.

We have been searching for Jessica for a few days now. We still haven't made much progress, but that won't stop me from pushing on. Every time I start to lose hope, I just remind myself why I'm doing this, why I'm spending every day and every night looking for someone I may never find: to be with Jess again. I love her, and I will do whatever it takes to get her back.

"Find anything?" I asked Suho as he entered the room D.O. and I were in. "No," he sighed, "not yet. Sorry."

"Don't be, Suho, it's not your fault."

"Then why do I feel like it is? Why do I have this feeling of guilt in my stomach every time I see you, Chanyeol? Why do I feel like I'm to blame?"

"Hey, D.O., can you give Suho and I a couple of minutes?"

"Yeah, sure," he replied. "I was going to go show this map to Xiumin anyways, just to see what he thinks. I'm trying to narrow down where she may or may not be." 

"Great, thanks."

"No problem."

As D.O. left the room, I turned my attention to Suho who stood staring out the window. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he was the one who lost his love.

"Suho?" I said quietly as I walked over to where he stood.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"What was that?" I said, not being able to hear him clearly.

"I said I'm sorry," he said a little louder, turning his head slightly in my direction, still not being able to meet my eyes. "This is all my fault, Chanyeol. I know you don't see it that way, but it is."

"It's not, Suho."

"It is, Chanyeol!" he yelled, now turning completely to look at me with tears in his eyes. "If it wasn't for me this wouldn't have happened! Jessica would be safe, you'd still be with her; this is all my fault." He was now sitting on the floor. Tears streaming down his face.

"I don't understand, Suho."

"I was the one who found Key, the guy who sold her out. I was the one who had brought him into the pack. If I hadn't done that, Namjoon may still not know who she is; she may still have been safe. You could have told her about us. She could have accepted you and trusted us enough to tell us about her. We could have protected her! We could have protected her."

I stood there, not knowing what to say or do. He brought in Key? Key is the cause of all of this. If it wasn't for Key, Jessica would have been safe. If it wasn't for Key, Jessica would have never gotten her heart broken by a cheating boyfriend. This ass is the cause of all Jessica's problems, and Suho is the one who took him to Namjoon? How could he? 

But he didn't know this would happen. No one could have predicted this. My mind was a jumbled mess. I didn't know what to think; that is until I looked back down at my friend, my brother.

"Suho, I forgive you."

"What?" he asked in disbelief. "How could you forgive me? I thought you'd hate me when I told you."

"I can't hate you, Suho. You didn't know what would happen. You didn't know who he was. You didn't even know that Jess was the witch that we've been looking for. I can't be mad at you for it. I mean, yeah, if Key never came around, Jess could still be safe, but that isn't even a guarantee. Anything could have happened. You can't keep beating yourself up about it."

"But I'm the reason we're in this pack. I'm our group's leader. Like you said before, you don't even want to be in Namjoon's pack. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't be in it and Jessica wouldn't hate you."

"You can't blame yourself for my decisions, Suho. At any time I could have easily left. You weren't forcing me to stick around."

Suho just nodded his head looking at the floor with sadness. I let out a little giggle.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I just never thought I'd have to console you over Jess. You were always the one against the relationship."

"I've come to realize that she was always what was best for you. And I've come to gain a fondness towards her."

"You aren't trying to steal my girl, are you Suho?" I said jokingly, trying to lift the mood.

"Ha, no," he laughed. "I've just realized that she isn't so bad. She cared about you, and that makes me happy. I see her more as a little sister, just like I see you as a brother."

"Guys! Get in here, quick! I think Xiumin and D.O. have figured something out!" Chen yelled as he ran into the room.

"With the map?" I asked, trying not to get my hopes up.

"Yes! We think we know where we can find her!"

Hey guys! Sorry it has taken me so long to update! School and work started to get in the way of updating, and it just kind of fell to the side from there. But I will do my best to update more for you! Thank you so much for sticking around!!!

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