Chapter 15

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Jessica's P.O.V.


I couldn't believe it. The guy that was my first boyfriend, my first love, my first heartbreak was standing on the opposite line of the opening. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe. I was standing there, staring at the guy who broke my heart and the guy who put it back together, only to tear it apart again.

"Who is that?" I heard Chanyeol ask.

"Her ex-boyfriend," the leader replied with a smirk.

"How could you?" I finally managed to choke out.

"I guess it was just time for you to show how powerful you really are," Key replied with a cocky grin. "All we ever heard about was how strong you are and everything we needed to do to protect you. I got sick of it. My life doesn't revolve around you, Jessica. In fact, you're the last thing I'm worried about."

"Wait, you're the guy that cheated on her?" Chanyeol asked Key.

"Yeah, I am. She wasn't worth my time."

Suddenly, Chanyeol lunged at Key, just to be stopped by Suho before he could attack him. "You son of a bitch! First you cheat on her, then you sell her out to a group of vampires that want to hurt her?! What kind of a person are you?"

"Like I said, she's the last thing I'm worried about."

Just then, Youngjae and the rest of the wolves ran in from behind. Youngjae walked up next to me and stood there protectively.

*What's going on? What have we missed?* he asked me through our minds.

"It was Key. He's the one who told then about me," I said with tears in my eyes, "And Chanyeol is one of them. He and his friends came to our school to find me."

*What?! I'm going to kill both of them* he said angrily, getting ready to attack. I brought my hand to his face to get him to look at me.

"Just wait. We need to see where this goes," I said, looking into his eyes. He just nodded his head and licked my face, which is a sign of affection in wolf form.

All of a sudden, Chanyeol ran in Youngjae's direction. "Stay away from her!" he yelled. Youngjae got into a defensive position, blocking me, but before Chanyeol could get to Youngjae, I sent him flying through the air with just a wave of my hand. He went flying into a tree trunk across the opening.

"Well, well, we finally get to see some of her powers," the leader said.

"What do you want?!" I said angrily, having been emotionally drained in the short amount of time we have been there.

"It's simple. I want you dead." With that, he began running in my direction, and I rose my hands in defense. I was getting ready to use a spell, when suddenly I was swept away. I was moving to fast and couldn't make out any of my surroundings, so I just closed my eyes and grabbed onto whatever was carrying me.

I felt myself being lowered down, so I opened my eyes only to see a sad looking Chanyeol looking back at me.

"Jessica, please listen to me," he pleaded, "I promise you, I never had any intentions of hurting you. I didn't think you were the witch, and I told the guys that if you were then we would leave you alone and never tell Namjoon. I love you, Jess. I need you. Please believe me. I would never do anything to hurt you."

I wanted to believe him. I wanted to act like it never happened and go back to the way things were. But I couldn't. I felt betrayed. How could the person I trusted so much end up being someone that wasn't to be trusted at all? How could he be one of the vampire on a man hunt for me, ready to kill me whenever they found me?

I opened my mouth to reply, but before I could, Youngjae came jumping through the bushes and pounced on Chanyeol. He started clawing and biting at Chanyeol before being thrown to the side. Chanyeol got up and started to beat Youngjae while he was on the ground. I jumped in and threw Chanyeol back just enough to be able to set up a force field around Youngjae and I. It was made so that no one could get in or out; I didn't want Youngjae attacking Chanyeol either. Not because I wanted to protect Chanyeol, but because I wanted to protect Youngjae. Youngjae is strong, but I can already see that Chanyeol is stronger; I didn't want him getting hurt.

*Let me out, Jess*

*No, Jae, you'll get hurt* I replied, making sure not to let my hands drop or else the force field would fall.

*I'll be fine. Let me hurt him. He deserves it*

*I'm not letting you out*

Chanyeol just stood there, waiting for me to drop my defenses so he could finish attacking Youngjae. I felt myself getting weaker from using my powers, and I knew they both could see it.

*Look, Jess, you're already getting weak. You can't keep this up. You need all the strength you can get in case Namjoon comes. Let it down.*

*No, Youngjae, I'm fine.*

"Jessica, are you okay? You don't look good. Please, just stop and I promise I won't hurt him. As long as you are safe and healthy, I'm willing to give up. As much anger as I have towards him, and as much as I want to punch his face in, you are more important to me. You're more important than anything to me," Chanyeol pleaded with me. I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him; all I could do was look. I didn't trust his words. I couldn't trust anything he said anymore.

I continued holding the force field for a while, even with both Chanyeol and Youngjae begging me to stop. All of Chanyeol's friends have found us, making me even more protective of Youngjae. I continued getting weaker and weaker until I could barely hold myself up anymore.

*Jess, please just let go. I'll be fine. Your safety is more important than mine. Just drop it and then get out of here*

*Youngjae, you and I both know that I would never leave you here*

"Jessica, quick being dumb! I hate yelling at you, but you need to stop! You're being reckless to yourself! I already told you we wouldn't attack! Why can't you believe me?!" Chanyeol yelled desperately.

As he finished, I saw Mark pounce on him, followed by some more of the wolves from my pack. I let the force field drop as soon as I felt Youngjae would be safe. I fell to the ground seconds after, not having the energy to even stand.

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