Trying to deny their feelings

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Yeah, I'm still alive. Sorry for taking so long... In this chapter, I thought of following a bit more Satoru. I know I jump around and describe the feelings and thoughts of others characters too, not only (Y/N)'s, but since it is more focused on her, I thought it would help to describe more of Satoru's thoughts and feelings in this chapter.


(Y/N) was drinking a bit of water while observing the people in the bar. That night was busy, and just now a new group of noisy young men arrived. It looked like a bachelor party.

'This will be a long night.' She sighs.

Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself to continue work. Putting on a smile, she approached the group of men. She recognized two of them, they were often at the bar.

"Hi everyone, having fun tonight? What can I get you."

The group seemed already pretty wasted so it was no surprise the ones she knew began to hit on her.

"Yuna, looking good tonight as always. Could you get me your number this time?"

Politely she once again turned him down. But he continued insisting and his friends began to bother her too. She tried once more politely.

"Come on guys, tonight I'm very busy. I can talk to you a bit more on another night, okay? Now what do you want to drink"

Eventually, they put their order and she began to prepare the drinks. Once she handed them over, they moved aside and a man standing behind the group got her attention. He made his way to the counter as soon as he could.

(Y/N) was surprised to see Satoru. After the talk they had that afternoon, she wasn't expecting him to show up at the bar. But she was happy to see him.

"Hi, handsome. Want a drink?"

If she was surprised before, Satoru made sure to surprise her even more. He leaned over the counter and stole her a kiss. As he pulled back, a playful smile graced his lips.

"What was that for?"

"Oh, that? That was just to make sure you're not getting hit on. It seemed that those guys were bothering you."

She wasn't expecting to hear that.

'Don't say the mighty Satoru is the jealous type.' She thought.

Soon, (Y/N) composed herself. She wouldn't let that opportunity pass without teasing him.

"Hum, now that you marked your territory, can I get you something?"

"You aren't mad for that, aren't you?"

"No, but I'm quite busy tonight, so I don't have time to keep talking to you."

Satoru kept his cool and continued to smile. He knew Yuna was teasing him.

After she had left his apartment that afternoon he thought about her for a long time. He pondered about everything that had happened since he had seen her jogging. There was no doubt she wanted something from him, but until now she hadn't asked anything suspicious about him, so he decided to go along with her plan and let her approach him.

'If she wants for me to act as her boyfriend then so be it.' he had decided that before coming to the bar.

Normally, Satoru doesn't like to involve himself in anything, but this time he had to make an exception because Yuna was too cunning to let his students handle her. She had even managed for Shoko to believe she was starting to fall for him, but he didn't believe that was true. Yeah, there was a moment where he thought that was the case, but now that he wasn't so sure about that. That's why he decided to go see Yuna at the bar and from now on act as a boyfriend.

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