13 | My Dear, Xiomara

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Re·un·ion/rēˈyo͞onyən/nounan instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation

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an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation.


[ Central City, 1993 ]

   MY CHAIN BOUND ARMS hung from the ceiling. Thick metal cuffs held my wrists to hardy chains. All at once, the blood seemed to flow back into my brain and I woke up. A cold sweat broke out along my forehead as I tried to gain my baring. Forcing steady breaths into my lungs, I tried to bite back a string of curses.

"How long?" I quietly croaked, "How long was I out?"

Mick let out a deep sigh, "A few hours."


My head lolled to the side as I allowed my body to go limp. I hovered above the ground, unlike Mick. I finally took a look at him. He seemed to have a few more cuts and bruises than he did before. He was stripped out of his large jacket and clunky boots. The long sleeve he wore was tattered and bloodstained. His scared arms were peaking out, the raised skin no longer covered by his gloves. He looked angry and despite his best attempts to hide it, he was defeated.

There was a fury behind his eyes that matched mine. He held my gaze, "I know you're mad and I'm sorry—"

"I'm not mad at you, Ponytail." He spoke curtly, "I want to watch those bastards burn."

"You and me both."

Taking a second, I took in the interior of the room. No windows. Just a musty, damp, square shape of a room. A single entrance and exit. From what I could see through the fogged-over slat in the door, that functioned as a window, there were two guards. Bared fluorescent lights hung from above. Just looking upwards caused a throbbing pain to shoot into my head. Whatever they drugged me with was doing the job. My arms weren't just numb from the chains, I couldn't feel them. When I called to my powers, nothing came. The pull I usually felt wasn't there, just a dull aching twinge.

I wanted to scream, anything to let the anger out. But I didn't. I silently seethed, allowing the frustration to fester until I could watch the lights flicker in Savage and Connell's eyes. So I waited, silent and still. I accounted for what I could before turning to look at Mick.

"I need you to get angry."

   "You got a plan?"

   "Of sorts."

Without much hesitation, Mick thrashed in his chains, stirring up a ruckus. He barked wildly, profanity flowing out in hot anger. It seemed to do its job. A guard from outside swung open the door. I joined Mick in his fit and the guard stalked toward me.

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