8 | Waffles

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Trust/trəst/nouna firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something

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a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
"relations have to be built on trust"


   NOW CHANGED INTO combat-ready clothes, I sat with Rip in the parlor. On the screen, he showed me blueprints of the prison. All exterior shots, nothing from the inside. That's where Sara and Snart came into play. They'd relay pictures back to the ship, allowing me to teleport in and grab our guys.

But nothing goes according to plan, does it? Snart hadn't come through with any pictures and had blown way past his check-in points.

"This doesn't feel right..."

"No. No, it doesn't," Rip mumbled into his fist as he observed the screen.

"I know you don't want to put them in the field, but if things go sideways... having Kendra and Jax there to keep things under control would be helpful."

"We're not having this conversation again."

"What if they need help? Huh? I can blink in with Jax and Kendra and we can find them. We're supposed to operate as a team and as far and I can tell we haven't been."

"Maybe you're right."

"Of course I am," I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and stood upright. Eyeing the monitor, I tried to think, "You mentioned something about a window where the sharpshooters aren't covering the breaker?"

"Yes, right here," Rip pointed to the circuit box located just beyond the barrier.

"I can blink in, cut the power, and jump back here for the rest of you. Together we can search the prison for our boys."

"It's a risk."

"When is it not?"

"There is a multitude of things that could go wrong. If there is the slightest chance of messing with the timeline—"

"It'll work," I promised, "You wanted my expertise, I'm giving it. You trusted me the last time, so do it again."

There was a slight hesitation in his gaze. I raised my brows in challenge, urging him we had to do it as quickly as possible.

"Do it. Gather Jax and Kendra and meet me on the bridge."

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