29 | A Noble Gesture

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Re·u·nite/ˌrēyo͞oˈnīt/verbpast tense: reunited; past participle: reunitedcome together or cause to come together again after a period of separation or disunity

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past tense: reunited; past participle: reunited
come together or cause to come together again after a period of separation or disunity.


DANIEL SANTIAGO LUNA. From the moment I saw his face, I only felt one thing— Protectiveness. I was not gonna let him out of my sight again. I abandoned him once before and I wouldn't do it a second time. After Rip's "noble gesture", Gideon flew us to the abandoned Time Masters outpost the Pilgrim denoted as the meeting point.

Our captain offered to surrender his younger self to spare us and our loved ones. It was the least he could do. But of course, there was always an ambitious plan afoot.

Sara, Snart, Kendra, and Ray took up different posts around the warehouse. The professor and Jax flanked Rip while Mick and I stood as a pair in front of them. Mick made sure there was a good distance between the Captain and I as Martin kept a watchful eye on the grip I had on the hilt of my knife.

"What is this place?" Snart asked.

"Neutral ground," Rip walked a few paces ahead of us, "it's a defunct Time Masters outpost."

My palms sweated and I clenched them nervously. From my left, I could feel Rory's eyes on me, "I don't think I've ever seen you this worked up... not even at the hands of Connell."

I didn't respond. I just briefly glanced at him rather unamused. He bent down just enough, "Relax, ponytail. We'll get him."

"And your younger self? Where is the cheeky bastard?" Leonard asked, his eyes scanning the empty hanger.

"He is coming to us, and I'd much prefer it if you didn't prefer to my younger self as a cheeky bastard."

"Alright, an English cheeky bastard. It's more fitting."

Rip rolled his eyes before looking to his left. Rip's mother walked out with the captain's younger self in tow. Getting a closer look at the boy, Snart scoffed, "So this is you? He was at the refuge."

"Keen observation skills, Mr. Snart." He stepped towards the two and looked at his mother, "Looks like you got my message."

"I don't approve of what you're planning. Not that it ever stopped you before," she smiled down at younger Rip before replacing the smirk with disapproval for his older counterpart.

Maybe she picked up on my nervousness, but she placed a gentle hand on my wrist, "Don't fret dear. Your younger selves are all safe and sound."

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