17 | Bad Idea

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1. not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.
2. not or no longer confined or imprisoned.



   With a countdown that seemed to last forever, Ray finally removed the power dampener in my neck. The metal that had been bound to me since childhood retracted from my system. It wasn't painless, but it wasn't unbearable. Gideon helped to patch up the damage left in its wake, but I was free. Finally free.

Sara sat beside me, her grip in my hand welcomed. Like a rock, she grounded me in the situation. Almost as soon as it was out, Ray had Gideon burn it. Nothing but charred remains.

After the removal, Ray had kept to his promise. There were no tests or prodding to better understand what Connell had done. Martin had set aside his curiosity as well and vowed to respect my wishes. But that didn't stop him from inquiring about my symptoms over tea.

The following week was spend in temporal limbo. The team was getting restless, irritated by the standstill we were in. Nothing had changed since our last run-in with Savage. We were stuck.

   Jax was obsessed with learning how to throw knives. In the week we spend in isolation, he had gotten pretty good at it. He'd do an embarrassing happy dance every time he'd hit his targets without flaw.

Kendra and Ray seemed to excuse themselves from the group quite often. Jax did his best to hid his jealously, and I found it endearing. When I could find some time with them, we'd watch movies.

Mornings were spent with either Stein or Sara though. I'd sneak into Martin's study and snag a book for discussion or I'd have a cup of tea with him. Sara and I'd talk for hours before getting up and finding something productive to do... productive would often include playing cards with Leonard.

Laying in Sara's bed, I tossed the ball in my hands up into the air. She nudged me with the side of her foot after asking, "So what's the other half of our resident criminals like?"

   "What's that?" I asked mindlessly, still focusing on the ball.

    "Mick," she clarified, "He's an asshole to everyone else but he seems to have warmed up to you."

    I frowned in thought and my shoulders lifted to meet my ears, "The only reason he's been decent to me is because I pestered friendship out of him."

    "Friendship. Sure." She hummed in a skeptical tone, "You've been spending a lot of time with him."


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