3. Rude Awakening

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August 3, 10:11 am.
Wilbur POV.

I was rudely woken up by the sound of my brothers arguing over something stupid. I slowly slipped out of bed and onto the cold hardwood floor. My body ached from tryouts last night. Dad really put as all through the wringer.

I sat on the ground trying to have some more time to myself before I was followed around and annoyed by Tommy. I sighed and picked myself up and walked out of my room, the arguing only getting louder.

"Can you two just shut up?" I asked, not even caring to look at where the arguing was taking place. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where my parents reside. "Good morning mum." I said, giving her a small smile before grabbing a glass out of the cupboard and filling it with water.

"Morning Wilbur. How'd you sleep?" She asked. I nodded and replied, "Good. Had a rude awakening though." She gave a small laugh and sipped cup of coffee.

"I never got to ask last night since you just went to your room, how were tryouts?" She asked. She was always an there and asking questions, and always interested in what I had going on. It's been like that since I was adopted when I was six.

"They were the same as the past few years. I'm really sore though." I replied, sitting next to her at the table. "Just take it easy, don't want you breaking before the season even starts." She stood up and patted me on the back before leaving the room, hopefully to tell Techno and Tommy to stop arguing.

I sat there and drank my cup of water, looking outside at the bright sun reflecting off the windows. Techno and Tommy has stopped shouting and everything was at peace. Thank god.

"Hey Will?" I heard Dad ask from behind me. I turned and saw him standing with a piece of paper. "Want to look at the roster?" He asked holding the paper out for me to take. I nodded and slid my chair across the floor and took it out of his hands.

I wasn't surprised to see that we all made it, even though he's probably going to give us shit for doing bad, except Techno. Since he's his favorite child. Tubbo's  friend Ranboo made the team, no surprise the kid was an amazing goalie, he was tall too.

I continued to look down at the list, Fundy, my favorite sophomore had made the team again this year. He was like my child, or that what I called him at least. He didn't like it very much, but oh well. Everybody else who made the team. Was either a returning player or someone I knew because of Tommy, so no new faces.

I nodded and handed the paper back to him and replied, "We might actually win state this year." "C'mon Will, just because we placed third last year doesn't mean that we suck, or that the team was bad." Dad was nagging again. "I didn't say that." I defended myself. "Well it was in your tone." He said before walking away.

He was still pissed at me cause I made us loose the semi finals, making us place third. It was the first time I'd seen him really mad at me, guess I was just lucky to have still made the team. Dad looked at me before promptly leaving the room and shutting himself in his office.

I sighed. I put my glass in the sink and made my way back to my room. "Hey Will." Tommy called. "I'm on the team!" He cried in excitement. I nodded at him, not wanting this to be an entire conversation. He stood there for seconds just smiling at me before walking away and going to hopefully annoy someone else.

I walked back into my room and threw myself onto my bed. I wanted to just go back to sleep but unfortunately I was one-hundred percent awake. I decided to just get ready and leave the house to see my friend Niki. So I grabbed my phone from its place on my bedside table and texted her.

I'm coming over

Text me hen you're here

I set my phone back down and got dressed. I grabbed my car keys and snuck out of the house, not wanting Tommy to see me and want to join. I walked down the driveway with the blaring Florida sun shining in my face.

I opened the car door and got in, turning the car on and driving away as soon as I could. I drove through my neighborhood, passing children playing outside, people walking their dogs, and people just sitting on their front porches.

I drive throughout our small town to the other end where Niki lived. Her family moved about a year ago and she went to the other high school in our town. It was going to be a weird year without her there, since she was really my only friend.

I pulled into the neighborhood she lived in. I parked on the street in front f her house and texted her that I was here. A few seconds later she appeared at the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Wilbur!" She said excitedly. I smiled and got out of my car. I walked up to her at a quick pace and we hugged. "Haven't seen you in a few days, how've you been?" She asked motioning for me to come inside. I walked across the threshold and replied, "I'm good. Tryouts were hell last night though."

"When's your first game? Or do you not know that yet." She asked, I shrugged. "Dad never tells me anything about that stuff, if you really wanted to know should've asked Techno." I said. It was silent for a second before her cat, Zuko, let out an estranged meow after fell from the sofa.

We burst out laughing and continued to talk about school and where we wanted to go to college, and for once my life was hectic.

Word count; 1027

Whatever it takes Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora