12. Fight

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September 5, 6:24
Wilbur POV.

After the game last Friday Techno got grounded for three months. It was a horrible sight. Dad was yelling at him and saying that he didn't know where his violence came from. Repeating over and over that he never taught Techno to purposely injure the other team. The worst part came when dad told Techno he was disappointed in him. Techno was pissed. Luckily we were at home and not at the field during this or else Techno would've just hitch hiked home and probably killed somebody.

Techno had stormed off to his room and hadn't opened it since. Not even leaving for food or the bathroom. He missed the first week of school, not getting to know that his least favorite teacher had retired over the summer and won't be returning. He wouldn't even answer his phone, I mean he never did in the first place, but especially not now.

But I didn't care, all I had to worry about was college applications, and the party I decided to throw because fuck it.

I walked past Technos room stopping to try and hear anything going on inside, nothing. I swear he ran away, maybe joined a mafia, who knows. Not me. I made my way downstairs to find Tommy and his posse of friends sitting in the living room playing Mario Kart.

"What're you doing?" I asked. "Playing Mario Kart obviously. You know Will, for someone who takes all AP's you're kind of stupid." Tommy commented. I slapped the controller out of his hands and onto the floor. "Out. All of you. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night. No Tom I don't care that dads out of town with Mum for a conference so you can do whatever you want. I don't care. Get out." They all dropped what they were holding and walked away, their eyes shifting to the ground when passing me.

A knock came from the door. I groaned. Who was it now. When I opened the door I was faced with Niki. "Hey Wilbur!" She smiled brightly. "Sorry I'm early, thought you'd might need help with your party." She said as she walked through the threshold. "Yeah, I don't mind at all, I would love some help actually." She smiled again.

"How's Techno been?" She asked making her way into the kitchen. "Well he hasn't left his room in a week, might be dead for all I know." "Well maybe he'll come down tonight." She suggested, I just shrugged in response.

About three hours later was when it all went down hill. There were maybe a hundred people or more in the house. It was loud and teamed of alcohol. I walked around trying to find someone I knew at least. Pushing through people who were conversing, or throwing up, or just being stupid drunks just to find the person I wanted to see the least right now. And no it wasn't my father. Dream.

Dream and I used to play on the same team for years up until the league collapsed. We then turned our separate ways and due to our competitiveness we lost touch and respect for the other. I hated him. He was one of my only friends and he left. Guess I also left but who's counting that.

Dream was sat with his friends, or most of them. Karl and Sapnap were there, Quackity wasn't because I saw him making out with Schlatt in a dark corner about ten minutes ago. But I didn't know who the fourth person was. I know he was on his team since he was at the game. Was a good player to, hard to push around, fast too.

And in my somewhat drunken state I walked over to say hello. Or something along those lines.

"Hey arsehole!" I called, Dream looked up like an idiot. And I hit him, square in the jaw. Might've been the worst thing to do since his arm had just been broken and he possibly had a concussion; but all pieces of logic just floated out of my brain.

He hit me back.

Sapnap POV.

Karl watched the fight for two seconds and decided to leave, not wanting to watch it unfold. I stayed just in case I had to do to Wilbur what Techno did to Dream.

Within minutes the fight just got brutal, Wilbur probably had a broken nose, Dream a busted lip. Both had blood oozing from their fists. I wanted to intervene but I promised myself I only would if Wilbur touched Dreams broken arm. Multiple hits to the head and chest later Will just grabbed his arms and pulled it. So I kicked him in the chest.

Might've not been the smartest idea of a thing to do, but I was protecting my friend so I had to. Wilbur fell back holding his chest and wheezing like he couldn't breathe. I didn't care so I turned my attention to Dream who was holding his arm with a pained expression on his face.

I looked at George and mouthed 'take him home please.' He nodded and help Dream off the ground before waking him out of the crowded house that was still booming with sound. I went to leave myself before I remembered Karl.

Where was Karl?

I pushed through the crowd of people, trying to look over the top of their heads for my colorful friend. Still no sign. I was confused on why it was so hard to find him, he was wearing his bright color block hoodie, why couldn't I see him? Then it dawned on me. When he walked away I saw Johnson walk up to him, I didn't know where they went for certain, but I knew Johnson's reputation.

I sprinted upstairs and slammed open doors trying to find Karl, shouting his name in fear. No sign. Door after door, never him, always kids having sex or doing lines. But never him.

I ran to the final room and it was locked. Shit. My only option at this point was to pick it or just break the door down. I thought about it, admittedly for about two seconds before I hit the door with my foot. Repeating that six times before the door broke.

There the two were, Karl pushed against a wall clawing at Johnson's back trying to make him let him go, tears falling down his face. Thankfully Johnson was only kissing him, nothing went too far, but this was far enough.

I ran over, grabbed the collar of Johnson's shirt and threw him back into the wall. I grabbed Karl and hurried down the stairs and out of the house. The temperature difference between the inside and the outside of the house was horrible. It was freezing.

Karl clung to me his tears falling at a more rapid pace now as we walked down the street. We made several turns before sitting in an alleyway. Karl just collapsed and sobbed. I sat down next to him  and he latched onto me, not letting go.

About thirty minutes later he calmed down enough to where I could call his moms so they could pick us up. It was another thirty minutes before they found us. Both women had worried expressions on their faces. Just at the sight of her son crying, Carole started to do the same. They asked what happened to Karl several times, all of which he never gave answers. They asked me once but I didn't know how to tell them. I don't know if I should or. It, it it should be Karl to say it. So I said nothing.

They drove us back to their house, saying I could stay the night. Karl walked aimlessly into his room and flopped onto his mattress, pulling the comforter over his head. I stood there watching him. He stuck his hand out of the blanket and asked, barely audible, "can we cuddle? If your okay with that. I trust you."

I replied yes before joining him for him to once again latch onto me and not let go. I half him it arms and watched as he slowly slipped into dreamland. You could see the dries tears on his face and where they ran. I felt terrible for letting this happen. But at least he was safe.

Word count: 1405

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