24. Taylor Swift

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December 6, 5:58 pm
Quackity POV.

Today was our final game of our season. We were practically a shoe in for state, all we had to do was win or tie. We were playing the North Foxes who were a pretty easy team to beat. Usually. Since we played them last in October they got better, tied SBI last weekend.

The team chat was going off the walls about today's game. But it was mostly Sam and Ponk telling us we're going to win, Bad chiming in every few minutes with a "We got this guys!" Skeppy was sending inappropriate memes with Bad promptly disliked and threatened to block him. Knowing he never would since the two have literally been dating since the sixth grade.

I stood outside the apartment complex waiting for George. He was grounded for a few weeks and didn't even talk to Dream during that time. Dream has texted Sapnap, Karl, and I on a separate group chat asking if he had spoken to us at all. He was upset at the time, feeling guilt that he had overslept and got him home late. The three of us had replied that he's, we had spoken to him only leaving him to feel even more guilty.

George walked out of the building, his bad slung across his left shoulder. "Ready?" I asked. "As I'll ever be." George responded. I smiled at him.

We listened to Taylor Swift's album Folklore on the way to the school. George made fun of me the entire time as I sang along to the music. He eventually started singing along to the song 'August' quietly.

I pulled into the school parking lot to see most of the team there, missing Karl and Sapnap. I parked and George and I walked over to Dream. He looked at us, well, George before awkwardly waving at him. "Sorry for ignoring you. After the whole incident my mum didn't want me talking to you. She's okay with it now though, doesn't really care anymore." George responded, smiling. Dream smiled back at him. Can these two just get together already?

"Quackity!" Karl's voice yelled from behind me. I felt someone attack me in a hug from behind. "Hey Karl." I responded. "Karl get off of him, you gave him a heart attack." Sapnap laughed, gently pulled Karl off my back.

"We gonna win this one?" Sapnap Asked. "We better. I don't wanna listen to my dad looks his shit on the way home again. Not after last year." Dream responded, shaking his head at the memory.

"Let's get on the bus. Game starts at seven forty five, Let's go!" Coach yelled as his head poked out the small bus doors. We all filed onto the bus, Sapnap and Dream day next to each other in the very back left, the seat across from them was where Karl and I sat, and George sat alone in front of The other pair.

After a very inspirational speech about how we should get out of the bus if there was an emergency, the bus started moving. North was an hour away. Taking the bus to any game was interesting. It mostly consisted of people telling raunchy jokes as coach told us to shut the fuck up, and Bad covered his ears repeating 'Language!"

Today was no different except someone brought small speaker and started blasting music. Thirty minutes in another beautiful work of art by Taylor Swift came on, 'You Belong With Me."

"Turn it off! Turn it off!" George yelled jokingly. "No don't!" I yelled back. In response they just turned the music up to spite George. He looked at me and said, barely audible over the song, "this is your fault." I smiled in response before singing along. And before anything else could happen, everyone joined in.

An entire bus full of teenage boys just screaming the lyrics,

"She wears short skirts, I wear t shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Thinking bout the day day that you'll wake up and find what you've been looking for has been here the whole time!"

And that went on until we got there.

The bus slowly pulled into the school's parking lot. The Foxes were already out on the field warming up in their white and orange uniforms.

When seven thirty hit the referee blew his whistle and the game had started. Within the first three minutes Schlatt had scored the first goal with an assist from Karl. And had another goal ten minutes later instead with the assist from Eret.

Right before the first half had ended the call had been in our side of the field for way too long since we had gotten to cocky and had become lazy. The other team scored. We were definitely getting yelled at during half.

"You had it in the beginning and you let it go in the end! What did I teach you? I taught you to not be lazy and to keep it up. Now get back on the field. I don't want to even see the ball cross into our half. Understand?" Coach said as he paced around, trying to stay quiet. We all nodded not looking up from our feet as we were called back to the field.

It became a more brutal fight for the ball. Sapnap has gotten a yellow card after he completely ran through a kid who then just decided to flop and get back up as if he totally wasn't acting. Luckily around the twenty five minute mark Schlatt had scored a hat trick with his third goal. He had no assist this time, just kind of ran up the field and shot right outside the eighteen.

The game got worse after that. The shoving got worse and the other team was flopping every other minute. But we had held our own and before we knew it the final whistle was blown. We had won three to one.

We were going to state.

Word count: 1008

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