14. Nothing

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September 8, 8:33 am
Sapnap POV.

Karl and I sat in homeroom together as he looked over a textbook for his upcoming history test later today. I felt bad for him. All day he avoided Johnson and kept his hoof up
Despite having every teacher we passed today tell him to take it off. I looked at him as he squinted his eyes to concentrate as I recalled what happened the morning prior.

I woke up first and looked at the sleeping boy in my arms. I felt bad, in a way it feels like all those stories Karl told me about from when they were younger. Apparently Johnson was the one to make fun of him for having two moms, he was the one Dream beat up. He was the one who called Karl gay throughout middle school and made him come home crying everyday. He hurt him multiple times throughout the years and it still wasn't enough for him.

Karl started to stir in his sleep, moving from the light grasp I had on him. He flipped over onto his other side so now he was facing me. He slowly opened his beautiful gray eyes and stared at me. "Sorry." He said. "For what?" "You never got to go home last night your parents are probably worried about you." I sighed. "Karl you were crying and in pain, I wasn't going to leave you there. And I wasn't going to just walk out on you, not after you told me you trusted me." I said.

He blinked a few times before sitting up and leaning against the headboard above his bed. "Shouldn't have let it happen Sap." "Karl you had no control over it." "I could have. I couldn't told him no." "And d'you think he would've listened?" Karl was in shock.

"I just," Karl paused. "I just want to say thank you. Y'know for saving me. From him I mean. It could've gone further but you saved me." Karl leaned forward and put his forehead on my shoulder. "Any time memory man." I wrapped my arms around him and help him tight.

"Karl?" Persephone asked from the opposite side of the door. "You okay? Can you tell us what happened last night?" Karl lifted his head off my shoulder and stared at me directly in the eyes, his gaze soft. "Can I talk about it later. I don't feel like it right now." He said, turning his head to face the door. No response.

"What d'you wanna do now?" I asked him. "Nothing." And that's what we did.

Karl's eyes left the book when his phone buzzed. It was a text from Quackity.

have some news for u guys
meet me by the north stairwell in 5

"We have to go." Karl said. We packed up our things and left homeroom saying we had to go to the library as an excuse. We walked almost halfway through the school to meet him when all he was going to do was probably tell us some stupid alcohol induced hallucination he had at the party that he couldn't explain through text.

We walked down the stairwell and about three flights later he was standing there with Dream, George, and Schlatt. Why was Schlatt here?"

Q smiled and clapped his hands together. "Alright, I have some news." He looked at all of us as if he wanted us to shout out guesses for what it could be. "Well, as you know Schlatt is on our team, and we were both at the party," I hope this wasn't going where I think it is because I swear to god I'll- "long story short. We're dating now!" He linked his arm through the olders and smiled.

We were all in shock. Karl was glaring at Schlatt, so was Dream. Dream stepped forward and put his finger to Schlatts chest and said, "hurt him and I'll kill you. Understood?" "It's funny how you think I'm scared of you. You had t be carried off the field by your daddy, how sad is that?" Schallat cockrd his head to the side and gave a sick smile.

Dream scoffed, "whatever. I'm going back to class." He left and George followed in pursuit. "What about you two?" Quackity Asked as his smiled faded away. I tried to look for the words to say without saying that I wanted to absolutely beat the shit out of Schlatt if he ever lay a harmful finger on him.

"At least you're happy Q. That's all that matters. I'm gonna go back to class, c'mon Sapnap." Karl said, flashing the me couple with a smile and grabbed my wrist, pulling me forwards and up the stairs.

We were out of the stairwell before Karl said anything else. "I hate him. Schlatt. He's gonna hurt Q at some point. I don't trust him not to. Plus he's friends with him." Karl refused to say Johnson's name. He made a decent point.

"Okay but Karl, he's happy don't ruin it for him. Okay. And yes I do share your concerns and I wouldn't even hesitate to put him six feet under; we have to give him a chance." I said trying to keep up with Karl as he was now speed walking back to class.

"I don't care. I've known them both since kindergarten, Schlatt's always been a bad person, you know this Sap. You know first hand why. And now he's dating Quackity, I care too much about him to let Schlatt hurt him." Karl stopped moving and looked at me. "I'll let it slide, but the moment something seems off I'm gonna beat Schlatt up for hurting him." I laughed. "You really think you could beat Schlatt in a fight?" I asked. "One hundred percent."

Word count: 970

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