19. Super Smart

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October 16, 8:47 pm
Quackity POV.

I stared blankly at the wall ahead of me. It used to be full of pictures of me and my friends over the years but now it was bare. Schlatt made me take them down, said they left me and didn't want to hang out with me. I'd believe that more if every time I saw Karl staring at me he looked as if he were about to cry.

I missed my friends. But they never talked to me since I told them about how Schlatt and I are together now.

After they all left that day he pulled me aside and told me he didn't think they liked him and they would start avoiding me if we were still together. I don't know what came over me but I decided to stay with him. For whatever reason.

It was good for the first few weeks, and by few I mean two. He was kind to me, said he loved me. Guess he was wrong. We started fighting when I said I wanted to hang out with my friends more often. He always said no. And I hated him for it.

But I never left him. I couldn't.

I sit on the floor in my room looking at the pictures of my friends and I from the past scattered around the floor. Tears flooding from my eyes and down my face. They were gone, and probably didn't even care for me anymore.

Schlatt's words hurt. Every time I brought up something happy he said that the people around me were only faking it, and I listened to him. I fucking listened to him.

I once came home with bruises on my arms from Schlatt grabbing me too hard and my mom freaked out. She told me to cut ties with him, burn the bridge I so helplessly crossed out of drunken enjoyment. But I didn't listen.

I picked up one of the pictures beside me and stared at it, the tears falling more rapidly. It was a picture from when I first met Karl. He was seven and I was eight. He thought it was cool that I got held back, said I could teach him things I already knew cause I was 'super smart' god, that aged well didn't it?

Karl was wearing a bright jumper, it was white with multicolored frogs on it, I thought it was cool. He wore it all the time because of me, said he always liked the smile I had on my face when he showed up to class in it. I think he still owns it too.

I wore a navy blue colored shirt my mom had made we wear. It had a small yellow duck stitched onto the pocket. Karl always called me Duckie because if it. That name lasted for years, I missed it.

I picked up another photo. Sapnap was in this one.

It had been taken after a game last year. His dark hair was slicked back with sweat, his bandana tied to the back of his head. His brown eyes shown in the sunlight practically glowing. We were hugging.

I smiled fondly at the memory.

I picked up a third picture and it was of Karl and I again. We were maybe ten. It was Karl's birthday and all he wanted was to see what my hair looked like since I always wore my beanie. He was the first out of all our friends to see. I remember him pulling me into his room giggling as he pulled it off my head. I remember being so nervous. I always wore it because it was the last thing my father gave to me before he left. So it leaving me head was like a security breach.

But Karl just looked at it in awe. Said he liked how pretty it looked. He told me I should take it off more, show my hair. I told him I'd think about it. To this day he's still the only other person to see what my hair looks like.

The memories hurt. Schlatt's words hurt. He told me that they never cared in the first place. Told me they were leaving me on purpose. But it was all him. Only him. Just him. Him.

I hate him. He lied to me. I can't forgive him for that. But I can leave him.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up our texts. I knew doing this over text was wrong, but I didn't want to speak to him. Too scared his silver tongue would lie to me again, tell me things I was too scared to believe.


We're done
I'm breaking up with you

And that was it. We were done.

My phone started buzzing like crazy, probability him getting mad at me again. But I didn't care. I threw my phone across my room putting my phone on silent first.

He lied to me. Told me my friends didn't care when they did. Like at our last game, Karl tried to come up to my to congratulate my goal, but Schlatt must pushed him away, literally. Dream has asked multiple people about me, Asked if I was okay. Sapnap was always on the lookout for me at school. Always tried to pair up at practice. It never worked but the gesture was sweet.

Now I was free. Free from his manipulation and lies. Free to talk to my friends again. Free to look at all the happy memories.

I swept up all the pictures together in a box and started to hang them up again. Looking at every one, remembering what happened and smiling. I don't remember how long I took placing them all on my wall again, but it was soon full, photos overlapping each other, the colorful memories shouting at me, glad I had returned.

I sat back on the floor at the end of my bed staring at the wall once more, once with its full grey paint on it now recovered with the vibrant memories from years ago.

Word count; 1024

Ngl I love this chapter

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