34. Im Sorry

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Feb 19, 5:56
Dream POV.

The game was rough. We almost lost too. It was nil nil and ended up having to go to penalties. George nailed his shot, so did Karl, Eret, Quackity and Callahan. I let three shots I like a dumbass. I wanted to band my head against a wall. Three. Seriously. I don't let one goal go in all fucking game and I let three in.

I stood outside my dads car, waiting for him to come so he could just berate me. George just gave me a thumbs up and a small smile before getting into Q's car. I smiled back at him but he was already in the vehicle and couldn't see.

I shrugged, I felt like shit. And that's what I played like too during the end. I hate when it goes to PK's. It so stupid and dumb, why can't we just be given an extra ten minutes or something.

I shoved that thought I The back of my mind when my dad started walking up, a solemn expression on his face. He said nothing as he put his bags in the trunk and got into the divers seat. I followed suit and he drove off.

It was quite for about thirty seconds until he decided to talk to me. "Hey, I know it's been a while since this happened but, can we at least talk about what you say a few weeks ago." I know what he's talking about. He wants me to admit that I like guys and am dating George. "No, I don't want to talk about it."

"Please Dream. I want to. Please. If you're not going to say anything just please know that I support you. I love you no matter what. You're my kid. And if you think you being gay or one of the others there are so many, sorry, then you're wrong. I'll tell you the exact same thing I told your sister. Love whoever or whatever you want, but the minute they break your heart or even dare lay a harmful finger on you, I'll show up to their house with my shotgun and show 'em not to mess with my son. I love you and nothing'll ever change that."

I don't know why but I'm the moment I started crying. I didn't know if it was over that fact that he told me he loved me several times, or that he was accepting which, why wouldn't he be my sister literally came out when she was like nine.

"I'm sorry did I say something wrong? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm trying to work on that." I shook my head while tears flooded down my face. He nodded and looked back to the road. "I'm really sorry if I ever made you feel less loved than your sisters. The o my reason I butted in with you and Drista was because I wanted to be around you since you never wanted to be around me. I'm sorry for yelling at you and telling you to do better, I guess that's just the way my father was with me so I was the same to you. I'm sorry for holding up all these high expectations on you. And I'm really sorry your mother hasn't been around as much lately, I know you miss her, and I miss her too. I really wish we could've worked it out, you and I would probably get along better if she were here to fix everything. I'm sorry for the way I've disrespected your friends and the people you care about. I really am. I love you and I am so sorry if I made you feel otherwise."

I could see tears glistening in his eyes, he was crying too. And in the moment, like many things I've done, I said something I otherwise wouldn't have the balls to do. "George and I are dating." Dad stopped at a red light and looked over at me with a smile on his face. "When'd it happen if you don't mind me asking." "About two weeks ago."

He nodded and continued the drive. "Hey, if you want to invite George over for dinner sometime I wouldn't mind. Could probably kick Drista to Lani's and Puffy could stay with her girlfriend. Only if you want to though." He said as he practically stuttered over his words. Who was this and what did they do to my dad.

I guess this is what empathy does to a heartless bastard.

"I'll ask him. We haven't told his mom yet cause she doesn't like me that much." I replied. She didn't like me cause we accidentally fall asleep once, and now she thinks she can't trust him with me. Come on man.

Over the next couple weeks George and I told his mom about our relationship and she took it so much better than I thought she would've, both of us. She ended up congratulating us and even hugged me, not letting go until she made it clear that if I hurt him in any way shape or form I was dead.

It was March first before our dinner was planned. George was coming over at seven and I was nervous. Mostly because my dad was still trying to be a more positive person, you could tell when he wanted to cuss someone out or talk shit about them to their face but he refrained.

I stood in front of my bathroom mirror looking at myself in my light green button up that Puffy told me I looked like a five year old in. I shrugged that thought out of my head and looked at the clock on the wall. It was six fifty seven. George should be here soon.

I walked down the stairs and into the living room where he was standing. "Sorry I got here early. I texted you but you never responded." He said and he ran a hand through his head nervously. "It's fine George, you don't have t be sorry." He nodded and we stood there looking from each other to the ground awkwardly.

Then Dad told us dinner was ready and we took a seat at the table. The dinner went well. Mostly Dad just asking George questions about what it was like living in the UK and his move here. He asked him if George would ever go back and George just shrugged.

Soon enough it was all over and Dad hadn't mention Soccer once. Not until George was walking out the door where he wished him good luck for our next game.

I walked outside with George and we waited for his mom to pick him up. "Sorry about that being awkward." I said, bringing George into a hug. "It wasn't that awkward," he replied as he hugged back, "besides you should be more worried about your dad being missing, I mean, who is that woman." We laughed and I kissed him on the forehead before his mom eventually pulled in front of the house.

George's broke away from the hug and gave me a small peck on the lips. "Bye Dreamie," "bye Gogy."

Word count: 1206

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