6. Practice

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August 7, 5:24 pm
Techno POV.

Our first practice was today. Phil drove himself and I to the field at Sleepy boys prep, where our practices would be held. Leaving Wilbur to drive himself, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo here on all his own.

There were already a few kids here, mostly just the returning players who's faces I recognized. I helped dad get his bag of cones out of the back of the car and walked them to the outside line by the half.

I put my own bag down, sitting on the turf field to put my cleats on. They were neon pink, matching my hair even though it was fading away and needed to be re-dyed. Phil walked over carrying some pop up goals he got from the equipment shed and lay them next to me.

"I'm giving the rest of the team five more minutes before I'm starting practice. Will texted me and said he should be here with the boys by then." He said, crossing his arms and looking at my teammates who were just yelling and laughing at each other whilst passing the ball. I nodded in response.

Everything was somewhat quiet before I heard a loud voice yell, "Bitch!" It was Tommy, of course it was. He came sprinting over to us, smiling like a mad man. He was panting by the time he was standing in front of us, hands on his knees, trying to breath.

"Tommy." Dad said, Tommy looked up at him, still trying to catch his breath. "Remember I am your coach here. Not your father. Remember that." Tommy nodded before turning around and slinging his arm over Tubbo's shoulder, talking to him about women.

We waited a few more minutes before Phil's watch hit five-thirty. "Alright!" He called to everyone. They all jogged over and waited for him to continue. "I am Coach Phil. Some of you might know me because you had me for Biology last year. This year we'll play our best and hopefully make it to state like last year, but maybe we'll actually win this time round. I think you all have a lot of potential as players, and as a team."

Everyone looked hyper focused in what he was saying. "Now get on the line, three sprints down and back," we all rushed to the line and awaited for him to tell us when to "Go!" And we took off running.

After the first two down and back sprints they all looked beat. Half of them were heavily breathing, especially Wilbur since he had asthma. We finished our sprint and walked back over to Phil who stood with a smug look on his face.

"Alright. Now that that's done I'm putting you all into groups of two, but there will one group of three. And if you can't decide who's going to bring your group, I'll choose for you. Go." Phil explained.

Wilbur and I made eye contact, even though we had our differences neither of us wanted to socialize with other people we didn't necessarily care about. Everyone got into pairs but Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo, they being the group of three.

Phil went on to explain a passing drill where we would receive the ball with one foot, move it across our body with the same foot, before sending it back with the opposite. Our partners doing the same.

We did that for about ten minutes before we went into stretching, that taking about twenty minutes. After that we went into 1 vs 1's, then 2 vs 2's, 4 vs 4's, before we finally did a full half field scrimmage.

The funniest part about the half field scrimmage was watching all the freshman try and push the goal onto the half when carrying it would've been so much easier. Apparently Purpled was thinking the same thing since he was arguing to Tommy about it.

We were divided into two teams, red and yellow, I was on the red team. The training pennies were actually washed and smelt decent. It was so strange to pick one up and not have to just have your face look another way because they smelt so bad because apparently no one knows how to use a washer and dryer.

We scrimmaged for the remaining thirty minutes of practice. Ranboo was yellows goalie whilst Phil stood in ours. Wilbur, purpled, Jack, and Fundy were ok my team, whilst everyone else was on the other.

It was hilarious watching Tommy try and score goal after goal, still trying to prove to Phil that he was a forward and not a defender. And to mid dismay he missed every single shot, hitting the crossbar several times or just missing the goal entirely.

Red team won four to zero, jack scoring the final goal before Phil ended practice. Everyone walked back to their cars, getting back into their own little friend circles. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and I stayed to help Phil collect cones because we had to.

"So what do you think of the team?" Phil asked, handing me a pile of cones. "I thinkeveryone on yellow needs some help." I responded which earned a "Hey!" From Tommy. I chuckled. "Be nice to him, he's your brother first. And I don't disagree with you, but, everyone on the team needs some help, not just yellow." Dad explained. I nodded my head and grabbed the bag of cones, looking at Wilbur as he put the pop ups back in the equipment shed.

"Alright. We can head back. Tubbo don't let them drive around for an hour before dropping you off. Your brother wouldn't like that. Especially not after last time." Dad stated, Tubbo just winced at the memory. I hated his brother. Schlatt was a horrible human being. I can never understand how such a kind person can be related so a piece of shit like that.

Wilbur came back and walked back to his car, the boys following him like baby chicks following their mother. I got into Dads car and we drove home.

Word count: 1023

I don't really like this chapter but whatever.

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