29. Tell Them

142 3 2

December 31, 10:21 pm
Sapnap POV.

Dream had been staying with me for weeks, only ever going home to sleep. He didn't tell me what happened but I could tell it was something to do with his dad. He was now sat in the floor watching George try and solve a rubix cube.

"It's been thirty minutes and you still haven't solved it." Dream said as he made an attempt to take the cube away from George. "Who solves it in less time then that?" George questioned, pulling the cube away and over his shoulder. "Those weird people on YouTube," Dream replied.

The two have been talking a lot more. Hanging out with the other whenever they could. I think they might be dating but I didn't want to ask since Dream was never really open about his feelings.

I felt a dip in the couch from beside me, I turned to see Karl, his fluffy brown hair dropping into his beautiful gray eyes. He laid his head on my shoulder and sighed. "You good love?" I asked. Karl let off another sigh before replying, "'m just tired."

"You can take a nap if you want. I'll wake you up before midnight. That sound good?" I offered. Karl shook his head. "Don't wanna be an inconvenience," "you aren't an inconvenience Karl. You can go sleep in my room cause god knows Dreams gonna start tea kettle wheezing in ten minutes when George finally gives up." Karl sighed. "Fine." He lifted himself up and off the couch and gave me a small smile before trotting up the stairs.

Karl hasn't been sleeping apparently and I'm worried for him. Carole told me something was bothering him the other day and when I asked him about it he didn't respond. I didn't want to push it so I just changed the conversation.

I turned my attention back to my other friends. "I give up. You solve it." George said bitterly as he threw the rubix cube at the blonde man in front of him. "No." He responded. George the just rolled his eyes at Dream I I'm pretty sure he was blushing.

My phone buzzed with a text from Quackity.

Not gonna make it, something came up sorry

You're good Q

"Q's not coming, he just texted me." I said. The other two nodded.

Dream POV.

"Hey Sap can I borrow a phone charger?" I Asked. "Sure, it's in my room. Be quiet though, Karl's sleeping." I nodded my head and left the room.

I carefully crept through the hallway not wanting to make any noise. When I got to his room and opened his door not to find a sleeping Karl, but a Karl that was wide awake.

"I thought got you were asleep," I said. "I can't." He replied. "Why can't you sleep Karl?" I asked, slowly walking into the room. Karl sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I don't know. I just kind of feel guilty," "about what?" I asked.

Karl didn't reply immediately, just hiding his face in the orange blanket on Saps bed. "I like Quackity." I couldn't say I wasn't shocked. Quackity and Karl were very close and always seemed as if they end up as more than friends. "Okay." Karl looked up at me with his guilt ridden eyes.

"I don't know what to do. But I also like Sapnap. I just can't choose and I don't wanna loose friends Dream." Karl re-hid his face in the blanket, soft cries coming from him.

I walked over and sat next to him on the bed away enough to let him have his space. "You aren't going to loose friends, if you do I'll beat them up, just like I did a few years ago." I said, Karl gave no response except a small shake of his head.

I sighed, "Karl if you like both tell them. I think it will make you feel better if you just take the time and talk to the two of them. Either it's alone or altogether, tell them. Promise me, you know they won't react as bad as you think they will. Unless we're talking about different people." Karl looked up at me and gave a small smile.

"I'll think about it. Thank you Dream," he said before hugging me. I hugged him back saying, "no problem Jacobs." I pulled away and stood up, walking to the outlet and pulling the phone charger that I had originally came here for from it. "Now get some sleep, you deserve it," I smiled at him before turning the light off and walking out, shutting the door slowly and quietly.

I walked downstairs and back into the living room where the rest of the gang were. Sapnap turned to me and asked, "what were you doing? It's been like ten minutes." I shook my head, bring up the charger in my hand. "Couldn't find it within all the shit laying on the ground like c'mon man clean your room." I couldn't tell Sap about my conversation about Karl, he'd tell Sap himself.

Sap lightly hit my shoulder, "fuck you."

Word count: 862

Idk how to feel about this one y'all.

I was at a workout thing for soccer and they started playing heatwaves

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