22. Eight

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November 19, 9:43 am
George POV.

I grabbed my bag from my room and walked into the kitchen where my mother was sat. "Where you going off this early?" She asked. "Dream said he wanted to help me with footwork today. We might hang out after too, so I might come home late." I responded as she took a sip of her tea.

"Just be home before eight. After hearing about what happened to your friend Karl I fo t want you out late at night. Got it?" I nodded my head. "Yes mum. I'll be back before eight." She gave me a warm smile in return. "Go have fun with Dream then."

I walked out of our apartment and saw Quackity walking back up a backpack slung across his shoulder. "Where've you been?" I asked. "Karl's, he's been really clingy since my breakup." "You'd think you two would be dating instead of him and Sapnap." I laughed. "Where you going?" He asked me. "Dreams helping me with footwork." "Sure 'footwork'" Q replied smiling at me mischievously. "Shut up." I replied, walking past him and out of the building.

Dream stood in front of a white Jeep. "Don't make fun of me," he pleaded, "it's my sisters car, dad wouldn't let me take his." "Sure, your sisters car totally." I replied, smiling at him before hopping into the passenger seat.

"How've you been?" Dream Asked, buckling his seatbelt and turning his car on. "I've been good. Why does Mrs. Spenz have to assign an essay every month though? Like last months was hard enough why do we have another one." I flung my arms in the air in exasperation.

"She does that all the time. Mostly just for first semester. Next one will be all Kahoot review, that's when it gets interesting, trust me. Some kids got into a fist fight over standings one time. It was horribly amazing." Dream explained to me his green eyes got brighter as his story went on.

"That's a weird way to teach." I said. Dream shrugged his shoulders. Minutes of back and forth talking went by until we reached the field.

"I never asked, why'd you move to America? Small town Florida especially?" He asked, getting out of the vehicle. "It's kind of an embarrassing story I guess." "Okay and?" I sighed, not wanting to admit the truth.

"It all started when I was hanging out with my friend about a year ago. He always gave mixed signals y'know. So I stupidly decided to kiss him because why not, sounded fun. It was very not fun. The outcome sucked. He was disgusted by it. Called me names and slurs. Eventually news got out to my all boys school, most left it alone but those who didn't just made me really uncomfortable. My mum got a job opportunity here so we moved." I explained, trying to avoid eye contact with Dream as much as possible just in case he turned out like him.

"Your friend sucks. So what are you, if you're comfortable with me asking that?" He replied surprisingly positively. I thought about it for a second. "I think I'm gay. Haven't really thought about that yet though. Not fully anyways." Dream nodded looking as if he was trying to store all this information for later.

"You're not going to judge me for that right?" I asked, keeping my distance from my friend. "I won't judge you. God knows I've kissed a guy before." I turned to him, "really?"

He chuckled and nodded his head. "Yeah. Karl. Maybe a year or two ago. He was trying to figure out his sexuality and it was whatever." He said walking towards the field. "And it was just 'whatever' to you?" He shrugged his shoulders once more.

"I guess. Didn't feel anything after it, if I did it would not have been for Karl." I jogged up to him trying to keep up, "and Karl? He's okay with you saying this?" "Oh yeah. I could show you messages of Karl bragging about how he got to kiss me. It's really funny." He laughed.

"That doesn't sound like Karl." I said as Dream dropped his ball to the ground, turf pellets flew up from where it hit. "Trust me, he's still like that." I nodded my head and we started some drills.

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