17. Great

165 3 0

October 10, 6:57 pm
Dream POV.

I was finally back. My injuries have healed up and now I could get back on the field. I felt great. I felt even better watching my father tell Johnson he was no longer on the team yesterday. It was amazing.

I now stood on the sideline staring at the green turf, wanting to lay on it but knowing that if I did that I would only find the small turf pieces everywhere for the next seven years.

The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful mix of yellows, oranges, and pinks. There was a slight breeze flowing through the air. I took a breath in. Everything was amazing.

"Dream!" I heard a pretty British accent say from behind me. I turned to see George with a big smile across his face, jogging up to me, his fluffy dark brown hair flowing in the wind. He stopped in front of me and exhaled, "you're back?"

I nodded my head smiling back at him, "Yeah." He finally caught his breath and stared at me. Something I had noticed over my small time of knowing George was that his eyes were two different colors. His left eye was brown whereas his right one was blue. I liked that.

"Is Johnson of the team?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. I grinned, "Yeah, he's gone for good." "That's a weird way to put it." George said, dropping his bad to the ground along with his water bottle that made a loud bang when it hit the floor.

"I guess so. But it's the truth right?" I replied. George just shrugged. "I guess so. Hey, did you get that English essay done yet?" I shook my head. "Have you even started it yet?" He asked. "No, sorry Gogy." I replied. "Don't call me that," he gave a small smile and a short laugh. "Guess I can't even cheat off you them. Going to have to ask somebody else." I chuckled.

"George," I put my hand to my chest dramatically, "I never thought you were the cheating type." "Well it's due in like two days to I'm kind of desperate at this point." Shit. I now have two days to start and finish an essay that I have no idea what it's supposed to be on. What was I doing for the past few weeks I had to do it, but didn't?

I was thinking about what my mom said about George. "You're smiling. D'you like him?" She asked giving me the side eye. "Like what?" I was confused. "Like like Dream. You talk about him like I used to talk about your father before we got together." Love the connection made. "Dream, you know I will always love and support you no matter what. And if you do like George like that then go get him. Be happy." I haven't stopped thinking about it since.

Maybe I do like George like that. But it's confusing. I've never liked another boy like that before us George's just a friend. Just much so as Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity whom I haven't seen in a while. Plus, I don't even know if dad will support me at all if I do like him. I mean he supported Puffy when she came out but
I don't know.

I shook those thoughts out of my head, not wanting to deal with them at all right now.

"Hey, have you seen Q recently?" I asked George. He shook his head. "No, but I have heard him in the parking lot with Schlatt after school sometimes, mostly just talking. Apparently he has a little brother, Schlatt. His names Tubbo and he plays for the sleepy boys. Overheard him ranting to Q about him about three weeks ago." George replied.

I never knew Schlatt had a brother, or for that case a family. He was always alone. What confused me more was why did his brother go to another school. For all the years I've known Schlatt I've never seen or heard of a brother.

""I never knew that." I said, turning my head up to the sky so I could see the sky clearer, it was now a dark blue color, the field light were now turned on. "The more you know." George replied, "Sapnaps here with Karl and Punz." He continued.

I brought my attention from the sky to the gate to the parking lot. Karl, Sapnap, and Punz were all walking towards us, Karl looked up from the conversation at me and started sprinting. "You're back!" He yelled, grabbing me and pulling me into a hug as I stumbled back, trying to regain my footing. "Sorry." Karl said, shaking his head.

"It's all good Karl. Have you talked to Q recently?" I asked. "No, I think he blocked me. He won't text back anymore." He smile had faded away and he was now left with a sadder looking expression on his face. "Well it's been the same for me, so at least you're not alone." I tried resulting him, it didn't do much but I revived a pity smile so I guess that's good enough.

"You're back, lets go!" Sapnap yelled. "Yeah!" I yelled back. "Hey, Punz tell Dream what you saw about Quackity, y'know, the thing from the hallway." Sapnap Asked his other friend. "Yeah, so Quackity's alive. Thank god. Anyways, I was walking back from the office to science when I saw Quackity and Schlatt arguing about his 'ability to contact his former companions' Schlatt's words not mine. At least you have a sort of reason as to why he hasn't responded to any of you recently."

"At least he's not dead." Sapnap joked, Karl looked at him, his sad expression still imprinted onto his face. He brought the younger into a hug and whispered something into his ear. Karl nodded and Sapnap let go.

"You excited or nervous to play the team that put you out for a whole month?" Punz asked me, pointing towards the group of players for the opposing team walking onto the field.

"I feel great."

Word count: 1028

Re-write this chapter and felt a whole lot better about it.

Love you guys <3

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