33. The Park

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February 9, 4:22 pm
Dream POV.

Another fight with my dad. This time it was over him wanting to talk about our past argument, the one we had before I re-befriended Wilbur; and I refused.

I needed to go somewhere, but Sapnap was on a date with Karl, and Q, so all three of them I can't got to? I mean I could I just don't want to hang out with their parents. All I had was George.

Hey I'm going to yours
Fought with my dad again
That's fine
Be careful though my mum still doesn't trust you that much after what happened
That was months ago
Still go t want you're pretty face to get ruined though just in case she does decide to beat you up

I laughed as I sat in my car. I texted a goodbye to him before getting onto the road and on the way to his place.

The drive there seemed to go by in a flash. I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building and practically ran up the stairs to his door. I ratted my first against the wood door. A tall women with dark brown hair and striking blue eyes opened it and looked at me. Her expression grew a bit dark looking at me.

"Mum, you can kill him later. He's had a rough time already." George said as he walked into the room. His mother shrugged and walked away and sat at the table in the far left corner watching as I stepped inside their home.

"I want you two to stay here. I want tabs on you at al times. Got it?" His mom explained. I nodded my head before sitting down on the couch awkwardly next to my friend.

"How're you?" George asked in a hushed tone. "Could be better." I replied. "What was the fight about if you don't mind me asking." I sighed. I didn't want to tell him. Cause ten he'd jump to conclusions or something and I didn't want him to not want to be friends anymore after I told him. "I accidentally came out to my dad before New Years And we haven't talked about it since." George only nodded in reply.

"Was he supportive at least?" George asked, genuine concern shimmered in his multicolored eyes that sparkled in the light. "I guess. I mean he was banging in my door telling me to open it, told me he supported me. I don't know why I feel surprised about it though. I mean my sister came out to him when she was like nine without even knowing the term, she just said she wanted to marry everybody and apparently he knew. I don't know why I would've though he'd think differently about me."

George took my hand as I heard a cup slam down on a table, I moved my hand away from his and held it by my own. George gave a small frown, "Maybe it's cause you're not as close to him as he is with your sisters. I mean you complain about him hanging out with them all the time. But I'm glad he's supportive or else I would've had to fight him." In chuckled.

"Maybe you're right. But he only hangs out with them because I used to do stuff with them, help 'em out y'know? But then he decided that he needed to take over and I haven't wanted to help them since and I hate him for it." I was ranting at this point, but George looked eager to listen and console with me about my dilemma, which made it all a little bit better.

"Maybe he only wanted to hang out with you and being around your sisters was the only way to get to you." George suggested. "Yeah, but I got to me in a different way." George looked sad, probably pitied me too.

I looked at my hands, thinking about what George had just said. It made sense. But everything made sense when it came from George. He could probably say the stupidest things and I would believe him whole heartedly.

George looked behind me to his mother who looked at the two of us with suspicion in her eyes. "Hey mum," he asked. "Could Dream and I go on a walk?" His mother sighed and put down her cup. "Fine. But be back by six okay." George grinned and grabbed my wrist, gently dragging me out the door as he grabbed a pair of spare keys hanging right next to it.

He let go of my hand and practically ran all the way down the stairs and out of the building to the parking lot, standing there as he waited for me to make my way down. "Where're we going?" I asked him. As he started walking out of the property and onto the sidewalk. "Surprise."

I rolled my eyes and followed him as he led us down the road for a couple minutes as we made our way to and all to familiar park. The same park I had to stop at cause I almost vomited. Apparently it's also the same park where Karl and Sap got together. It's the same park where Wilbur and I made amends.

So why this park?

George made his way onto one of the swings, the same one Wilbur sat in when I met him here. I walked up to him and sat right next to him.

George sat there looking gorgeous. The sun shining onto his hair making him look like he's glowing. He beautiful smile shown through the entire park. He multicolored eyes sparked. He was amazing and all I ever wanted in the moment.

So I kissed him.

And surprisingly, he kissed back.

We sat there on the swings of a park that was there for many of my friends and myself. In times of need, love, and hurt it was there. It stood here as a landmark forever burned into my skull as a place that could mean more than anything else in the world, probably second to this kiss.

George pulled away and let his forehead rest against mine, a smile on his face. "I've wanted to do that for months." I whispered, as I tried not to startle him, afraid that this was just a sick dream.

"Couldn't tell." He said before pulling me into another kiss.

Word count: 1084


at one of my games this weekend one girl on my team refused to take out her earring that she got pierced 6 MONTHS AGO

And at another game we played 10 or 9 vs 11 since so many of our players kept getting injured

Sorry for the rant love y'all

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