28. Out

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December 19, 6:52
Dream POV.

Mom texted and said she wasn't coming back this month, said she wasn't going to be able for the next few. I want to feel happy for her but I just feel angry, my only comfort isn't coming back to be there for me, I don't want to throw all my problems onto my friends because I don't want them to have to deal with me. And on top of that my dad was being a dick.

"Dream can you just listen to me for once, please," he said. "No. I don't want to list n to you anymore. What do you care? You don't that's the thing," I snapped back, leaning back into my chair.

"I do care, but you never listen." I scoffed, "then why do you never ask me anything? Why don't you care about me just enough as you care about Puffy and Drista?" He rubbed his hand against his forehead as he sighed. "Don't bring you sisters into this," "I'll bring them into this if I want to, you care about them more than me. You always have! No wonder why I cling to mom so much."

"I don't care about them more than you it's just that they ask for my help and you don't! You just get angry at everything. You never listen and jump to fucking conclusions!" He paused and took a deep breath. "And for your mother she was always like that. Look I'm sorry she can't visit you got the next few months, but just because you can't see her doesn't mean that you can't talk to me." He was trying to be nice to me.

"But I can never talk to you! All you do is talk shit about everything an everyone. You hate it all! You make fun of the team you coach, the team you should be proud, but you aren't. You make fun of my friends and don't care about them. I told you Karl was dating Sapnap and you called them weird. What if I was gay? Would you make fun of me too. It would you just leave like mom did, send pitiful texts of masked happiness and move on with your life? You probably take your favorite children with you too I bet." Tears pricked my eyes as I went on with my little speech.

Nobody said anything for several moment that felt like eternity. My fathers anger dropped from his face in a potential realization of what I just said, and so did mine. "Dream," he said kindly as he reached out twirls me gently but I jut backed away and ran to my room.

I didn't know where that came from, I just kept talking and didn't stop until I ousted myself if something I was still pondering. Fuck.

I slammed my bedroom door shut, barricading it with my desk chair and other heavy items in my room. There was a banging on my door, my dad asking me permission to enter, telling me that it's all okay when it's really not.

I covered my ears as I looked around for a way to escape. My eyes landed in the window, surely I lived on the second story and if I jumped I would certainly break my neck but that was better than confronting to my dad and talking about how we feel.

I grabbed my bedsheets and tried them together while tying one end to one of the legs in my bed frame while the other end dangled out my window. I was now perching on the windowsill, bedsheet in hand, just praying that this held my body weight enough so I could let go at a safe height.

I care fully went out of the window and moved very slowly down the house as I heard my bed move against the floor. I started to move faster before I jumped off, landing in the grass of our front yard.

I started sprinting the same route we do when dad makes us do those fucking stupid runs. I ran out of outlet neighborhood and into another, passing house after house after house before I reached my stopping point. The park.

I wasn't alone apparently. There was a person sitting on one of the swings swinging very close to the ground. They looked up and me, it was Wilbur.

"Why're you here?" I asked, stopping in front f him. "I could ask you the same thing." He replied. There was an awkward silence before I sat down next to him on another swing. "So what are you really here? Might as well tell me if you crossed town just to sit and be bitter." I suggested. Wilbur sighed.

"My parents are getting divorced. And my mum isn't getting custody of Tommy." I was shocked. I could never even believe for one second that his parents would separate, but then again I thought got the same with my own and look at where I am now. "Then Dad and I fought about it, he told me to leave, so I did."

I nodded. "What about you Dream? Your mother not visiting you this month?" Wilbur guessed." I gave a salty laugh and responded, "yeah actually. My dad and I fought again. I think I also accidentally came out to him too" Wilbur nodded.

"You and your dad always had issues now that I think about it. There was never a point in time where you never tried to prove yourself to him. I remember that time you kicked a kid in the mouth after your dad told you you needed to be more aggressive." We laughed at the memory. 

"How is Tommy doing?" I asked. "I don't know. He's kind of conflicted right now. Told him I wanted to quit the game 'bout a months ago and he freaked and said he'd quit too if I did."

"Remember when we placed number one in our league years ago?" Wilbur asked, I nodded. "I remember my dad being so proud of me about that.that was before Techno though." He continued.

"Yeah. My dad hugged me and I think I cried about it. Happy tears y'know?" I responded. Another silence.

"God, we both have shit dads don't we?" I said. "Yeah." Wilbur replied. "Maybe they're shit because we never talk to them. Never resolve the issues that have been burning for years." I thought about what he was saying. Maybe he's right. Maybe if we just talked about our issues instead of having yelling matches we'd have a better relationship.

Wilbur and I sat on the swings reminiscing about our old team and how we used to be best friends before he looked at his phone and saw that it was almost ten o'clock At night.

"Hey, I gotta head back home. Tommy's probably sobbing in my room or something. But it was nice talking to you again, having a civilized conversation. Hope we can become friends again, and if you talk to your dad I'll talk to mine." He said as he walked out of the wood chipped area and back into the sidewalk.

I nodded. "I'll try to talk to him. And yeah, hope we can go back to being friends. It was nice seeing you Wil," we both took off in different directions but both going to the same exact place, home.

Word count: 2340

Love how half of this book is just Dream and Wilbur fighting with their dads.

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