20. And Again

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TW/CW: blood

October 31, 9:02 pm
Sapnap POV.

I was driving to Karl's house. "Q, I don't think that Karl will want to come to the party considering everything that happened last time." I said pulling into his neighborhood. "C'mon Sap, just ask him I don't want to be alone with Dream and George all night. Dreams been staring at George with love eyes for the past twenty minutes. And they won't let me leave. Please come so I can be rid of them and their sexual tension." Quackity pleaded over the phone.

"Sucks for you. I'm not going if Karl isn't." "You're such a simp you know that right?" "Maybe I am."

Quackity cackled over the phone. "No, don't. At least pick me up. Please Sap. I'll do anything." "Shut up," I replied whilst laughing, "I'm at Karl's now, might see you later, might not. Bye Q!" "Bye!"

I turned my car off and got out. I knocked my fist against the front door gently and was met with a smiley Karl wearing a familiar jumper. It had multicolored frogs on it, only they were more detailed from what I remembered.

"Hey Sap!" He said cheerily, motioning for me to come inside. "I wanted to ask, there a party I wanted to see if you wanted to go with me." I brought up awkwardly. His happy expression faltered. He shook his head no, his fluffy brown hair falling in his face more than it had been before.

"I don't think I want to. If you wanna go though I won't stop you." I said intertwining his fingers, staring down at them. I shook my head. "Then I'm staying here with you. Don't wanna leave you all alone. Plus it's funny to see W upset when having to deal with the oblivious lovebirds." Karl cracked a smile.

Karl lightly paged my shoulder, grabbing my attention. He stared at me with his beautiful grey eyes glimmering with wonder. "Wanna go to the park? None of the kids go there so we'll be alone. Maybe we could prank call some kids from SBI." He was jumping at this point. He got like this whenever he was really excited. That it he would just tackle the nearest person in a hug, none of which I minded.

"Sure. Grab your coat it's cold out there." I nodded his head vigorously, his hair falling even more in his eyes.

He ran upstairs to his room and came back down wearing a green frog coat. It was from his Halloween costume of Kermit the Frog last year and has been known to be really warm. "Let's go!" He ran out the door and to my car, pulling the car door handle while yelling at me to unlock it.

On our drive there Karl was just singing along to every song that came on. It was really cute. The way he sang, looking over at me every few seconds, holding his hands as if he were holding a microphone. Adorable.

I pulled into the parks parking lot and grabbed my own coat from the backseat before exiting the vehicle. Karl had already run into the park and started swinging on the swings. He was smiling like a little kid on a sugar high.

"Having fun?" I asked him as he swung up into the sky once more. "Tons of it. Better than walking my brother around. Better that I'm with you." What'd he say?

I got into my own swing choosing to stay closer to the ground. "I love autumn," Karl started, "it's so beautiful. I like all the leaves and how they change color. The smell when you walk out of your house at six am to go to school and it has a crispy scent to it. I like the cloudy weather when we can get it, even though that's rare. Remember last year how it rained for a week straight? I miss that. I love rain." And almost like that it started to rain.

Karl lifted his head to the sky. "Did you see that Sap! I made it rain!" "You did!" I replied, slowly moving off the swing and going towards the covered up area where you would go before you slid down the slide.

I looked aver at Karl who had jumped off his swing while he was still in the air, landed on his feet and joined me.

His hair was wet and stuck to his face, a big grin spread across it. "What d'you think about rain?" He asked me, laying his head on my shoulder, staring out at the passing cars ahead of us. "I love it." I replied. "Me too," he brought his bead back up and looked me in the eyes.

His grey ones glittered with his rain soaked hair, his perfect smile completed his look. We stared at each other lovingly before I asked him,

"Can I kiss you?"


So I did.

It was a beautiful kiss. The sound of the rain pattering against the wooden structure we were sat in, him and his frog coat. Our lips moved in sync for what felt like forever.

Karl pulled back first, resting his forehead on my shoulder giggling. " can I ask you a question?" I asked him "sure," "wanna be my boyfriend?"

And Karl replied in one of the only ways he knew how, he tackled me in a hug, middling his head yes. "Yeah, I wanna be your boyfriend." And we kissed again. And again. And again.

I didn't know what time it was but it was far later than I thought it to be. That being the reason why Johnson and Schlatt showed up to the park.

"Hello Karl, long time no see." Johnson announced, spreading his arms wide. Karl's expression turned so fast from excitement to horror. "Go away Johnson." I said. "Now now. I'm just trying to be nice. And if you were to be nice you'd let me have a little fun with your little friend right here." He smiled maniacally, I held onto Karl for dear life.

"Don't do that Sapnap. It'll only make this situation worse than it has to be? Won't it Schlatt? You see he's mad since your friend Quackity left him for you guys, people who don't even care about him at all. And I'm upset because I didn't get my fun with Karl." Johnson kept talking, moving closer and closer to Karl and I.

That's when Schlatt pulled me backwards out of the small shelter and held me back, pulling me around to the front where Johnson had Karl pinned to the soggy wood chips on the ground.

Johnson started throwing his fists at Karl, blood spurted from his face as he yelled out in pain, calling for me, for his parents, anyone who would listen. All I could do was stand there and watch him as I tried to escape from Schlatt's grip.

Karl was screaming in pain. His body was limp and Johnson was still hurtling his fists at him. Cars drove by, not even caring about what was going on. I yelled at Johnson to get away from him. I yelled at Karl, reassuring him that he was okay and that I was right there. And to the people who drive by to call someone. An ambulance, or the police.

What felt like hours went by before the loud siren of a police car came speeding down the street, an ambulance right behind it.

People left the vehicles and made their way over to where Karl and I where. Johnson had stopped what he was doing and started to sprint away, Schlatt letting me face plant before he did the same. I crawled over to Karl who lay on the ground his face covered in blood. He looked horrible. He was hurt, and it was my fault I could protect him.

Fists his best friend ignores him for a months straight, then he gets him back for only a week later to be beat to the pulp. I held Karl in my arms, sobbing fo them to still be alive. Paramedics were around me, asking questions. Thor voices turned into a ringing noise and everything went black.
Word count: 1380

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