31. A Choice To Make

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January 24, 2:37 pm
Wilbur POV.

I still haven't talked to my dad after I walked out. I mean, he told me to, do it's primarily his fault. I do remember walking in past Techno who wanted to apologize for existing, and in that moment I felt sorry for the things I've said about him. Then I got a reality check when dad asked him to talk right after.

Walking into my room that night was a weird sight. Tommy was sprawled our on the floor with my blanket on the floor. He looked like he had been crying. I just kind of stared at him for a while until he woke up and started apologizing. He left the room and came back a few minutes later with Friend in hand before walking back out, apologizing profusely.

I looked at the stuffed blue sheep in my hand. Mum had given it to me when I was first born. She had pictures of me carrying it around like Linus and his blanket from Charlie Brown. Now she's not going to be here for anymore stuff like that.

I hadn't talked to either of my parents for a week after that. The first person I talked to was my mum. She felt guilty for leaving. Held me tight as tears flooded down her face and onto my shoulder. I couldn't feel anything in the moment, not even sadness.

The first words I said to my father was no when he asked if I was going to practice that night. He wasn't pleased but decided not to put up a fight.

Now today is the first day of the State Cup and I've been forced to say more. "What if you had a career in the game?" Dad asked. God I wanted to put my first through a wall just by the sound of his voice. "I've told you dad, I don't want to." "Why not, you love the game." He sounded stupid, trying for me to do something I've already explained to him I don't want.

"Look, Dad, I don't want to go pro, if I'm gonna be honest I don't want to play anymore. I've told you this. And you didn't listen. So do you expect me to?" I stated. He just sat there not saying a word. "Are you gonna say anything back to me?" I asked. Still nothing from him.

"So you're just going to say nothing?" I yelled. Dad slammed in the brake and pulled over into the curb. "I want what's best for you. Understand that. I get that you're upset because of your mother and I splitting up, but please don't take that out on me. And please don't blame Techno." "I didn't bring Techno into this." "Well I did since you seem to hate him so much." He said, I went quiet.

"Wil, I adopted Techno because he needed a home. The poor kid could barely respond to anybody without shaking in fear. I know you remember that. And don't make me forget when you two came running into the kitchen one day after school telling us that you decided that you were twins." He took a shaky breath before continuing, "after what you said when your mother broke the news, Techno wanted to apologize. He cried about it Wil, he cried. I haven't seen him act so weak in years. He was upset, thinking that you hated him. He offered to go back to the orphanage and just wait there until he could leave. He told me he missed his brother. And what a brother to him you've become."

I looked at him, tear forming in my eyes and tears cane out of his own. He choked down his cries and turned the car back into drive and continued our way to the school for out game.

I felt guilty for what I said. About him and about Techno. I know it isn't his fault and I know that he has underlying issues from his past, but everything became about him. Remembering us from years ago hurt. When we were ten we made a pact that we would always be at each others side and always be there. I fucked up.

Without a word between us, besides words to the team, he barely said anything to me. I kept glancing at Techno, who just looked sad. When we were twelve Dad told Techno he could do anything he wanted for his birthday and he wanted to dye his hair. He was afraid to be made fun of for it since it was pink. I told him to just shrug it off and that people suck and will make fun of anything so he shouldn't worry about them, cause they're just being human. His hair remained pink for years, now it's original brown color seeped through from his roots.

This game was the first time I had actually tried in months. Over the duration of the game I kept looking over at dad like I was seven again, trying to see if he saw me doing a good job. I don't know why I was doing this, I still hated him, even though he is right.

The drive home was quiet again. Just the silence between us and the sound of the tired rolling across the road. When we stopped in front of the house he turned to me. "Just think about a career in the sport, please. You have the potential. I don't care if you do or not, I don't care about whether or not you got to college, just please think about if. Seven year old you would kill you right now with what you've been saying." And with that he walked back inside.

Techno and Tommy walked past the car, Techno looking away from the vehicle while Tommy stopped and looked at me with saddened eyes before walking back into our home.

I walked into the house and went straight for my room. Walking in the first thing I saw was my picture beside my bed, it was of my dad, Techno, and I after a game. My team had won since I was holding a medal in my hand and smiling widely with high hopes for myself within the game. Now, I just had a choice to make.

Word count: 1062

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