37. Pride

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April 5, 8:36 pm
Dream POV.

Semi finals started in four minutes. Four minutes until we play and until we hopefully win and move onto the championship. Four more minutes until I get to make my mother proud.

Three minutes until we play. Three minutes as I watch my teammates get ready for a game that will help define us a team. Three more minutes until I get to make my team proud.

Two minutes. Two more minutes as I count down the seconds and all the possibilities of how this will all end. Two minutes until I have to work my hardest and be my best to make my dad proud.

One more minute. We're all walking into the field, George turned around and gave me a smile and a thumbs up, he told me no matter what the outcome of this game was, going to the championship or not he'd proud.

The game started. Everyone's moving so fast that I couldn't even see where the ball was moving. It wasn't even in our half of the field and I was worried. This game means so much to me and this could be it, my final run. My last dance.

Seconds and minutes flew by and the score was still nil nil. Sapnap took a yellow card because apparently when your the one who got rammed into the ground that's what happens, and with my amazing luck it happened in the eighteen.

The opposing player in the team lined up the ball on the pk line. Standing in my How, getting ready to hopefully block the shot. And wham. The ball goes straight into my hands like they were trying to give it to me.

The parents cheered and I took the ball to the edge and punted it into the other half where George was waiting. George took the ball with his head and gave it to Karl. Everybody moved up as Karl and George continuously passed it back and forth, weaving through the defensive line like it was nothing.

George had the ball at his feet with a clear sight in the his. And he scored. He fucking scored. He ran back to our half smiling and giving high fives to ours who came up for one. He looked back at me again and gave another thumbs up whilst smiling, this time his mile was bigger, happier even. And I smiled back.

The game continued to play on as one to zero until the ref blew his freakishly loud whistle and sent us to halftime.

"You're all playing great. All we really need is at least another goal so we have a higher lead on them and after that just hold defensively. You can handle that right?" Coach said as the ref motioned for all of us to go back onto the field and finish the game.

Walking into the opposite side of the field I felt content. Standing in my box watching everybody else scramble together and try and make a plan to score once more.

The second half started off amazing. Within ten minutes we already scored our second goal and now we just had to hold defensively and wait for it to all be over.

The other team saw this and took advantage. Sending practically their whole team into our half. Their own house standing way outside their box. The funny thing is about how they played Was theta they didn't do it well, soon enough Quackity intercepts a pass and just boots it up top. Karl and George running for it with the wings at their tails. Karl then he's then ball and scores our third goal.

We were gonna win. And that's what we did.

Twenty minutes later the ref blows his whistle and the game ends like that. Three to nothing. We won.

While everyone was walking off the field silently cheering to themselves, I stayed in my goal. I sat down onto the turf and stared at the field. Everything meaningful that has ever happened to me has either been done in the field or at that one park.

I still had the chance to with state but the small, reasonable voice in the back of my head told me no. SBI deserves to win, after everything Wilbur has gone through he deserves to feel pride for how much he's given to this game. I would feel bad for throwing the game for my team. I really would. But we've had wins before. And I know some of us are playing for college while Wilbur isn't. He's just going to leave the game behind. And he deserves to be happy during his last game.

"Hey," George's soothing voice said from up above. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me before sitting to my left. "Why're you still out on the field, it's been like thirty minutes since the games ended?" "I wanna throw the championship. I wanna lose." George looked at me like I was insane.

"Why would you do that?" He asked. "One of my old friends, Wilbur, is in the team. I know he's not going to play after this and he's given so much of his life to the game that he deserves a win before he's officially done." I replied. "But what about our team?" "Look all I'm saying is that I might underperform during the game for a friend who needs the win more than we do. Look at how our seasons played out. We've won pretty much all of our games and they haven't."

"Can you promise me that if you do this you'll act like your trying?" He asked. "Yeah of course I will George." I replied, kissing I'm lightly on the forehead and he let it rest against my shoulder and we stayed there for another five minutes or so u til we were forced to leave because our rides were getting a little impatient.

I'm proud of how far my team has come, and how far I've come. But I would feel even more pride and I know Philza would if they won.

Word count: 1030

Prologue for my new Karlnotfound book is out! It's called Erlebnisse! Check it out if you want!

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