35. She Loved You

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March 13, 7:42 pm
George POV.

My mom was driving me to Dreams house so we could hang out. His dad was at a work conference or something and his sisters had gone to see a movie. Leaving us alone together.

"I want you to know that if anything happened please use-" she started rambling as she did when she was nervous, for me specifically since I'm al she really has to worry about anymore. "Mum please don't finish that sentence. Please. Plus I have no interest in doing that kind of thing." I His my face in my hands and shook my head.

"I'm just making sure." She replied as her attention turned back into the road. "I still don't trust him completely with you. But I can see how he makes you happy, and I can trust you so that makes up for the difference. I just want you to be happy." "I know Mum, I want you to b was happy too."

She pulled into the neighborhood and up to his house. "Well, have a good time. I'll pick you up at twelve and if I don't see you out here waiting I will storm in all guns a blazing like a crazy fucking American okay?" She laughed. I'm cracked a smile, "okay Mum. Love you." "Love you too."

I got out of her car and walked to the door where Dream was standing. "My mum said she's going to shoot you like crazy American if you try anything." I said as I walked into the building. "Your mother scares me." He replied. "I'll make sure to tell her that at twelve when she picks me up. So, what were your plans for this evening Mr. Taken?" I asked.

"I thought we could watch a movie." He replied. I nodded my head, "What movie." "Any movie, my sister forced me to watch Clueless with her the other day, it was good. I could rewatch it with you if you'd like." He ruffled his light blonde hair nervously, probably thinking about what I'd said about my mother.

"I'm good with that." I stated. He nodded his head and gave an awkward smile. We both stood there for a few seconds before he went to turn on the TV.

"Sorry that this is weird, I don't know why it is. I'm sorry." He said. "No it's fine, it honestly what I expected it to be, weird, y'know?" "Yeah." He then got the movie loaded onto the screen and we started watching.

"What the fuck? That's borderline incest." I said, turning to Dream who was just laughing at my statement. "They're not biologically related though." He retorted. "Still! They used to be step siblings! That's weird right?" "I guess." He said as he fell off the couch, taking the blanket with him.

"So what'd you think of it though?" Dream Asked as he started to calm down from his laughing fit. "It was good. Minus the technical incest. I like Dior. She's my favorite character from it." "I liked Tai." "Of course you do." "Whats that supposed to mean?" He asked. I shrugged at him and looked away.

"So what d'you want to do now?" Dream asked as he got back onto the couch next to me. "I dunno. What do you want to do?" He smiled at me, his bright green eyes shown in the dim lighted room. Then we started kissing.

Until we heard the door unlock. "Sorry I'm back so early. I would've texted you but my phone died. Dream, can I talk to you in private." Coach asked him. Dream nodded confusingly before getting up and following him.

Dream POV.

I didn't know what was going on, I could tell that it was bad though, I could see tears forming in his eyes.

I followed him into his office and I sat down onto his spinning chair, slowly spinning myself around like I was five whilst he shut the door. He turned back to me and wiped his eyes. "Dream." He said. "Yeah?" "You know how your mother has been gone for the several months?" I gave him another confused look, but I nodded my head anyways.

He sniffled and took a deep breath before grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes. "I want you to know that your mother loved you very much. And that she would to anything for you. No matter what. She loved you." I was starting to see where this was going and I don't like it. "Your mom has been in the hospital for that past while due to a sickness that they couldn't make her better from. I know you wanted to see her but she didn't want you to worry about her state. But she loved you. She loved you so much. And she is so proud of how far you've come as a young man. She didn't want you to forget that. She called me a few days ago. She asked me how I was doing and she asked about you. I told her about your relationship with George, she was happy for you two. So happy. I'm sorry son. I am so so sorry."

Tear were flooding from my eyes and I held onto my father as we both sobbed. The one person I could trust with absolutely everything is gone. How had I not seen it coming. I don't think I've ever seen my father cry. Ever. Or at least not since I won my first game. And now here we are sobbing with each other over the death of someone we both loved very much. Someone who made and imprint on our lives.

"George." I said. "George is still in the other room." "Do you want me to drive him home? He live in the same complex Quackity does right?" I shook my head. "No. I just want to talk to him. He can stay." My dad nodded and wiped his tears before giving me a weak smile. "I'm happy for you Dream. I really am. And George, he's a good kid. I'm glad you two have each other." He said. "I am too."

I walked outside of the office to a very confused George. "What happened. Why're you crying?" He asked, running up to me to wipe my tears from my face, his hands cupping my cheeks as he looked worriedly into my eyes.

"My mother passed away." I whispered. George didn't reply, I don't really think he knew how. I mean who knows how to respond still stuff like this. Instead he just hugged me and didn't let go, and I sobbed into his shoulder until it was wet and soggy and I had passed out to exhaustion.

Word count: 1131

It's almost over y'all.

Also I have two new books in the workshop rn. One is a Karlnotfound and the other is Karlnapity so buckle up.

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