8. First Game of The Season

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August 30, 2:35 pm
Karl POV.

It's been a few weeks since practice started and the teams started to look pretty good. Granted coach doesn't think that, but he never thinks very highly of anyone anyways. Since then I've only thrown up during practice one other time, but that was before it even started cause I had really bad motion sickness from sitting in stop and go traffic with Sapnap in his mom car for way longer than needed.

I stood outside my house waiting for Sap to pick me up. Quackity had texted to the chat earlier saying he was driving George to the game and wouldn't be able to drive there with us.

I turned behind me to see my little brother Aniston waving at me through the window with a wide grin. I smiled back, giving him a small wave. Ani was adopted a year after I was, I was six, he was about a year old.

An obnoxious honk came from the road. I turned my head back around seeing Sapnap rolling down his window and yelling, "Let's go! Don't wanna be late." I smiled again and hopped into the passenger seat of his car.

"How d'you feel?" He asked, driving down the street. "Good? I don't know I'm just nervous. I'm probably going to forget my own name when they go through the names. Oh god." I grabbed the collar of my jersey and pulled it up so it was over my head.

"Karl stop that. You're going to stretch it out and it's going to look weird." I sighed and took my head out fo my shirt, peering to the side mirror on the car and that my hair was a mess now. Sapnap laughed.

He then decided to turn on his god awful country music he listened to religiously. There would be days where I would look at what he was listening to on Spotify and it would just be a sea of country music, why? But he just started singing along, getting really pumped up for our first game of the season.

We drove like that until we reached the field, I saw Quackity's car there, along with Dreams dads car, and a few others I've managed to remember for once.

We got out of the car and saw that they were already warming up. The two of us started running George the field almost getting hit by a few cars but that okay. Coach saw us and shook his head before yelling, "three laps for being late!" What the honk dude.

I hung my head and started running my laps once I hit the track, not even caring to put my bag down. Sapnap on the other hand just threw it onto the field.

By the end of the three laps I felt like I couldn't breath, was I dying? Maybe. "You good Jacobs?" Sap Asked me. "Yeah, just can't breath that well." I replied, slipping my bag off my back and fishing out my water bottle.

"What team are we playing again?" I asked before taking a sip of my water. "The Sleepy Boys. The fuckin prep school kids. Why are they even in our devision?" He asked looking at the opposing team doing their own warm ups.

The refs walked over to coach and they exchanged a few words before the team was eventually called over. "We're going to call off your first name and all you need to respond with is your number, by the way I'm Richard, I'll be your referee for today, and my linesmen are Andrew and Teddy." Not gonna lie the ref looked like he was eighty years old.

He went down the list of names and we all called out what was needed. After it was over he thanked Coach and walked over to the other team to do the same.

"They have a bunch of freshman on their team this year. Most of them are in defense." Punz said, leaning on the cold metal bench that was bolted into the turf. I nodded my head and replied, "it's like they want us to win." He have a small chuckle before patting my shoulder and walking away to talk to Sapnap about Valorant or something.

We all made our way onto the field and getting into position. Sleepy boys had kick off. Sam had the ball before dropping it down to Techno to passed it back to Wilbur who just volleyed it up the field. Eret took the ball to the head and hit it up to Callahan who passed to me.

I ran with the ball, passing it to George who ran with it before dragging it back and giving to to Quackity. Quackity faked their team out and passed to Skeppy.

The game went on like this, one team would have the ball, pass it around for a while, lose it eventually and have the other do the same thing we were doing. Several minutes later I heard the red call two minutes before half. Within seconds the Sleepy Boys got a corner. Not a good thing.

I broke my wrist last year because of a corner with this team. Technoblade just rammed into me and I fell on my wrist really hard. I still had a distaste for him after that. But I wouldn't be the one getting hurt today, no, that would be someone else in an entirely different position.

One of their players took the kick, ball flying through the air, Techno came in running at full speed, one hundred percent ready to hit the ball into the goal. Dream at the same time went to drive backwards for the ball, touching it and putting it out, but not before she hit his head on the post and Techno just completely stepped on his wrist.

We all stood there watching as Dream clutched his wrist, trying to to cry. The red as usual didn't see it, and didn't card anyone. Coach just yelled at the red for being blind and calling him several other names. He jogged onto the field, players parting a path for him so he could make it to his son.

Word count: 1039

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