25. Brotherly Affection

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The way Tommy talks about Tubbo is 100% platonic they are friends and only friends.

December 7th, 7:16
Wilbur POV.

"I can't wait Wil! Just think about it! If we win Dad will be so proud of us! I can't wait to play and win y'know?" Tommy said as he laid back on a dusty old bean bag chair he had found in the attic.

"Tubbo's excited too. He says that when we win he'll finally be able to tell his brother that he's not a wimp. I don't think Tubbo's a wimp, he one of the strongest people I know. But don't tell him that, don't want him thinking I'm clingy or weak." He said, turning his head to face me.

"Forgot he had a brother." I responded as I looked at my phone once more, begging for anything to take my attention of our team going to state. I looked around my small room and my eyes landed on my guitar. "Yeah, he plays for the Feral Boys. I think his names Schlatt. Might be wrong though, last I saw of him was when he beat me up at school a few years ago. Right before their parents gots divorced and he got emancipated. I feel bad for Tubbo, it was a rough year for him."

I nodded my head in response as I slowly slid over to where my guitar lay. Tubbo has stayed at our house for a few months while his parents tried to figure everything out. I remember that being right after Techno's league team won state that year, that when dad started hounding in me todo better.

I grabbed my guitar and slid my head gently against the strings who hummed softly in response.

"Ranboo says he's scared. I mean he just 'bout broke his neck on Friday's game, so he does have a valid point but I still think he's a pussy. I still don't like him, I think he's trying to steal Tubbo from me. Like, back off bitch that my friend go get your own." Tommy tended to talk a lot when he felt like he wasn't getting enough attention. He usually just went to Mum, but since she's out of town for a work retreat or something he went to me instead. When he has twelve it got really bad, broke down in front of dad after we all kind of ignored him for a month. I still feel horrible about it.

"Tommy, Tubbo can have other friends. You just need to be willing to open up your circle a bit. Okay? Then maybe you'll see Ranboo for more than you think he is." I said as I started to play part of a song I had learnt years ago quietly. "I know but, when Tubbo first met him he told me he was replacing me. I know he didn't mean it but that hurts. I don't really have any other friends, Wilby. I mean you go off to college next year, Techno doesn't really talk to me much, and Dad's well, dad. If I don't have Tubbo I have nobody." We made eye contact for a brief second before he looked away and wiped his eyes to presumably remover any trace of tears.

"What about you Wil? Sorry I've been talking so much I know I can be annoying." Tommy said.

I shrugged. I could Tell Tommy anything and he'd keep it for me, even from Dad. I sighed, "I don't really know Tommy. But, I have been thinking more about this game," the guitar for louder, "this stupid fucking game. I think I want to quit Tommy. I don't want to play anymore. It's no longer fun and it feels like a liability." I took a deep breath in and the guitar was no longer as silent as it was. It had now crescendoed into a loud sloppy mess of random in cohesive notes.

I could feel Tommy's pitying state crime beside me ur I didn't dare look up. Seconds passed before I had stopped. "No." Was all Tommy could say. "What?" I turned to him as he looked as his he had been betrayed. "You can't! You quit I quit. That how this works. You don't want to play after high school fine by me, your choice. But if you quit now I'm walking out that door right behind you." You could really see the tears for in his eyes as he tried to not let them fall, he was inevitably unsuccessful.

"Look Tommy, I don't care anymore. Don't you realize, Dad lives Techno more than us. He set his standards at him and left us out here to dry! I'm tired of being second to him. And I know you're tired of being overlooked!" I took a deep breath, "look, all I'm saying is that I want to quit. Not like I'm going to. Just that I'm seriously considering it at this point."

I put my guitar down and slowly got up so I could walk over to my little brother. He wiped away his tears once more. And I did something I have done in a long time, not in my own free will anyways, and hugged him.

"Got it?" I asked. He nodded as he held me back tightly. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room before Tommy muttered the words, "Big men don't cry." "Everybody cries Tom." "Not me." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't laugh at me bitch." He said laughing as he pushed me away from him. I fell in my back with a loud thud. "I'll laugh at you if I want to." I said, grabbing my old blue sheep plush I've had since I was a baby I had apparently dubbed it "Friend" what a dumb name. I was also like five too, so, whatever.

"I'm holding Friend hostage until you apologize." Tommy said as grabbed the plush, holding it against his chest and ran for the door.

Word count: 1005

Thank you guys so much for 1k reads! It means so much to me so thank you guys!

Love y'all<3

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