23. Mad

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November 20, 9:27 am
George POV.

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling not wanting to leave my room. I didn't want to be berated with questions again. A knock came from the door. I turned my head and before I could even mutter a reply my mother was standing in the doorway.

"We're going to talk about it now." She said walking into my room and standing next to the bed staring down at me. "Nothing happened mum. Nothing! We fell asleep. That's it." I said sitting up quickly. "Are you sure? You're not even in your own clothing George." She was trying to get me to tell her that Dream and I had sex, why.

"He said that I could borrow them while mine were getting cleaned. And I guess I never changed back. Okay?" "No. Not okay." She rubbed her fingers against her eyes. "Look, you're not going to the game tonight okay? I don't care if you don't have enough to field or whatever. You're grounded. And I don't want you talking to that Dream kid anymore." "Mum!" "I don't care." And like that she walked out of the room.

I sat there in shock, trying to process what was going on. First, I come home not in my own clothes having overslept at a friends. Next thing you know it she thinks we fucked. Great. Now I'm grounded and I can't even play in the game today.

I picked up a shoe that was laying next to the bed and I threw it against the wall out of anger. It hit and broke a picture of my mother and I after my first game. Shit.

I scurried out of my bed and to the broken picture frame that now lay shattered on the ground. I picked up the picture and held it in my hand. I missed being that young. Not a care in the world, everyone loves everyone, you think you have everything ahead of you. God I missed that.

My mother must've heard the shatter since she was standing in my room again. "What happened?" She asked sounding scared. She looked at the shattered frame on the ground and me sitting right next to it, picture in hand and the shoe right next to me.

I looked at her, tears brimming my eyes and replied, "I'm sorry." She went through several emotions ranging from anger to guilt before deciding on anger. "Clean it up and give me your phone. You're acting like a child."

Tears fled from my eyes as did a sob from my throat as I walked over to my bedside table and unplugged my phone, handing it to her. She snatched it away from me as soon as it hit the palm of her hand. "Now clean it up." She said before leaving my room, shutting the door with a slam.

I stood in my place for a few seconds trying to process what was happening. It's my fault I got my phone taken away, I know that. I broke a frame on accident but threw the shoe on purpose because I could control my anger.

I walked out to the small closet in the hallway and got out the broom and dust pan and cleaned up the glass. I took another look at the picture, I missed that, I missed it so much.

I walked over and flopped on my bed just wanting to go back to back to sleep. But I couldn't.

I lay awake on my back shutting my eyes over and over again trying to drift back into dreamland. After several minutes of tossing and turning I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it. I was still mad. Mad that I wasn't allowed to see my friend, mad that I couldn't play in the game tonight, mad that I was grounded, and mad because I couldn't fall asleep.

The last part slowly faded away as I myself fell asleep after minutes of feeling sorry for myself.

I stood on the field alone at presumably sunset, staring at the far goal. "George!" I heard someone call from behind me. I turned and saw Dream running up to me, smiling. He ran and tackled me to the ground in a hug. "Hey." He said, looking down at me, his blonde hair falling forward, his emerald green eyes dimmed due to lack of light. "Hey." I said back, pushing him off me gently.

"Where've you been?" He asked as he flopped onto the ground his limbs askew. "My mum said I could talk or visit you, sorry bout that by the way, it's all my fault." I replied earning a confused look from him. "What do you mean about that? That was like years ago George. We're in Italy for a tournament. Remember? Your memories almost as bad as Karl's." He chuckled. Now I was confused.

"Italy?" I asked. "Yeah Italy. Sucks that you stopped playing after high school though. Would've made the team. Might actually get to go to the Olympics this year too. You'll get there to support me right Gogy?" He turned to me, the light bounced off the one side of his face making him look like an angel sent from above.

"Yeah." I stuttered in response. He moved over and kissed my cheek before getting up. "Good. C'mon, Techno's gonna be pissed if I'm late to warm up again because of you." He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the field.

Then I woke up.

I had no idea what happened. I felt my face heat up at the memory of the dream. I turned to the small clock on my bedside table, it read 2:42. I had been asleep for hours. What the hell.

I reached out to grab my phone, only to remember that I didn't have it anymore, my mother did. I flung my arm across my face and sighed. I was mad again.

Word count: 1002

Sorry I haven't posted in like a week. Writers block is a real bitch.


If your confused, CONGRATS! So am I!

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