13. The Voices

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September 6, 10:32 am
Techno POV.

I didn't move from my room for the past week. Only ever sneaking out to get food, even that's at one am so no one sees me. I wanted to feel bad for what I did, but the voices were proud and wanted more. More blood. God that's all they ever wanted, blood.

I held my head and shook it in an attempt to drain them out, but they only got louder and angrier. It got even worse when my older brother decided to throw a party. I sat in the cornier of my room rocking back  and forth, hands on either side of my face covering my ears as my eyes were glued shut.

It was loud, the music was horrible, Every now and then a Taylor Swift song would play and it wouldn't be that bad. It got the worst when I heard people chanting 'Fight!' downstairs. The voices edged me to go down and look, maybe even join in. But I refused. I had to.

Eventually I fell asleep, waking up at around ten-thirty am. I looked at where I was, laying on the floor, arms under my head as a makeshift pillow, and the small knit blanket that lay at the end of my bed covering my chest.

I stood up and decided I needed to leave my room. I walked outside into the hallway to see that everything was absolutely shattered. I looked down the hallway, Mom and Dads room door was broken down, it lay on the floor in pieces. Someone then walked out of their room. He was tall with slick black hair and had a giant bruise on his face.

"What're you doing here?" He slurred as he walked past me. "I live here, now get out." I said, he winced. "Stop being so loud. Hey, d'you know that Karl kid?" I shook my head no, like a liar. "Well if you do meet him, just know he's no fun. And his asshole friends'll beat you up for absolutely nothing."

I could tell he was guilty of something. Knowing him it was probably doing something without the others consent, but how far he took it I had no clue. I felt bad for Karl, I've known him for years and yet I've never spoken to him. Just watched as he got bullied from afar. I wanted to put this guys head through a wall for hurting someone who never deserved it. But I didn't, that wouldn't only please the voices.

The man, Johnson, as I remembered him to be; walked down the stairs and out of the house. I followed his actions, only to turn to the kitchen to see Wilbur passed out on the ground, a bag of water that was probably ice was on his head. Blood was spread across his face, the voices stirred.

"Hey Techno your alive!" Tommy said from behind me. I didn't respond. "I was told I wasn't aloud to be at the party, was shunned to my room. The boys just left through the window. Felt like you all cooped up in there y'know?" He said, walking around the island, slowing cleaning up the mess that was left for us.

Wilbur let out a groan from the ground. "Stop Stop Stop." He whispered slowly sitting up. "Be quiet." He opened his eyes and looked around. "Fuck." Yup.

"When should Mum and Dad be home?" He asked. "Around four for five is what they said." I replied, helping Tommy clean up. Will looked more distressed by the minute. "Will, we have five and a half hours to fix this place, no one will get into trouble. I won't rat you out o. techno doesn't." Tommy reassured him looking over at me. "I promise I won't eat you out. Just remember we have a game at eight tonight just so you remember." I said.

Wilbur hurriedly got up and started collecting trash around the house. I walked around to see if anything was broken, and if it was I would probably just blame it on Tommy again. Everything was still intact besides the door. I had no idea how to fix that. So I decided that it would be the final thing to do, not wanting to spend all my time trying to fix one thing.

Within almost four hours the house looked, and smelled exactly like it had before. Wilbur was now in the shower while Tommy's and I brainstormed ideas on how to fix the door.

"We could go get a new one at the store?" Tommy suggested, I shook my head.
"No, we could take off your door and replace it with that, just say you hit the ball to hard against it one too many times again and broke it."
"Dad would know that's a lie. I promised I would never do that again."
"Well then what are we going to do?"
"I don't know you're the older one you figure it out!"

He started getting in my nerves so I walked away from the situation to calm down. "What if we replaced my door with it. Say I just got angry again, locked myself in my room on accident and needed to get out?" I suggested. "Techno no, well swap my door with it. You're already in so much trouble. I swap it. I'll deal with the punishment for it." Tommy was trying to help me out, I didn't want him to, but he was so persistent so I let him.

Our parents finally came home and Tommy showed him his door and started to explain his lie. "It happened again, I'm so sorry. It's just that I thought I would be more careful this time, but I must have hit it too hard a few tiles to the point where it broke like this. I'm so sorry. I'll pay for a new one sine I'm the one Y fault." His story sounded like Wilbur wrote it for him.

Dad eyed him before replying, "we'll talk about this later. For now I want your phone on the counter, you're grounded for a week." He turned to me and continued, "nice to see you're still here Son." I nodded as he walked into his room with a fake door.

Word count; 1057

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