18. We Won

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October 10, 10:33 pm
Dream POV.

We had to start the game nine vs. eleven since both Schlatt and Quackity didn't show up until about ten minutes into the first half. We were doing well, our defense had gotten stronger while I was away. As thankful for that I was, I was still wary about them.

Coach let our other two players onto the field fifteen minutes into the first half after given them a talking to. I glanced over at them and saw Schlatt with his head held high and Quackity just staring at his cleats. He was wearing long sleeves underneath his jersey while it was eighty seven degrees (F).

I turned my attention back to the game just to see Techno running towards the eighteen, lining up his shot.

He hit the ball as hard as he could, aiming for the top right corner. Luck for me, the ball went right out of bounds. Techno was fuming. It was funny.

Before we knew it it was halftime. Coach was going through plays and what we should do better within the three minutes we had all while still glaring at the two who showed up late. I sipped my water, looking at Karl who was staring at Quackity, every now and then looking between him and Sapnap. I wondered why.

The ref blew the whistle signaling for us to back onto the field. And within the first two minutes of the second half George had managed to get a goal.

George had gotten the pass from Karl about halfway from the half line to the eighteen, he just took a touch and slammed his left foot against it. The ball went right pat the goalies hands and right into the top right corner. Beautiful.

After that we managed to get another goal in, scored by Quackity who headed it into the goal from a corner. Five minutes later the game was called, we won.

I was ecstatic. I ran from the goal and up to George. "Nice shot." I said, he face went red, or redder than it already was. "Thanks. You did good in goal." He replied grabbing his water bottle from the branch and chugging whatever was left in it.

"Beat it Jacobs." I heard Schlatt say quite loudly, pushing who I assumed to be Karl into my back. I turned around and stared him dead in the eye. "Leave him alone. We're all on the same team for fucks sake. Okay, at least pretend we all like each other." I turned my attention to Karl. "You okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine. I just wanted to congratulate Q on his goal but I'm 'not allowed' to apparently. It's fine though. I'm gonna go now. Bye." He waved at me before taking off, jogging to catch up to Punz and Sapnap.

"Well my mums waiting. I'll see you on Monday. By Dream." He touches my shoulder before he promptly smiled and waved goodbye at me before leaving.

"You ready to go home?" Dad asked, handing me the ball bag. I nodded by head and started walking back to the parking lot to the car.

My thoughts traced back to George once more. Did I like him? I mean I liked his smile, he smiles at me a lot. I also liked his eyes and how he looks when the light hits him just right so that it looks like he's glowing. But those are all external examples. But everything on the inside was everything my other friends had and I never looked at them like that.

We head arrived home before I knew it. "Go shower and get to bed." Dad stated getting out of the car. I nodded and walked into the house.

I wanted to talk to someone about George. Someone who I could trust to not anything about it. I walked upstairs and down the hallway last Puffy's room. Puffy. I could talk to her.

I walked back to her bedroom door, knocking my fist against it, asking for permission to enter. "Come in." I heard her voice say. I opened her door and took a few steps in.

"I thought you were Drista. What're you doing here?" She asked as she painted her nails a bright pink color. "I need your help figuring something out." I said. That got her attention immediately. She turned her head quickly, her eyes wide. "About what?"

"I think I like someone." I said, closing the room door. "Okay and? Do you need girl advice. Look, I already told you I wouldn't do that again." "No not like that. Probably not like that. Not that kind of person." She knitted her eyebrows together, "I'm confused. What're you talking about?" She asked.

I sighed. Looking at the door again, making sure that it was shut before walking towards her and whispering. "I think I like a guy."

Her eyes widened more, she was grinning. "Who is it? Is he cute?" "Is who cute?" A feminine voice asked from the doorway. "Close the door," I whispered, so she did. "No I mean leave Drista and then close the door." "You're no fun. But I'm not leaving I want to know more about this. This is way more interesting than having to listen to these kids try and tell me they had sex in the school bathrooms today." She said as she brought up a chair.

I looked back at the door again to make sure it was closed before I said his name. I took a deep breath in, "George." "Wait the guy with the accent right? The new one?" Puffy Asked, I nodded. "Alright! At least you have taste. I have science with him, he seems cool." My twin reassured.

"I still don't know about it though." I looked down at my hands. "Just think about it for the next few days Alright. Then come back and talk to me about how pretty he is. Now get out, you smell like shit." She threw an eraser from her desk at me.

I left still not confident about my feeling towards George. All I knew was that I needed sleep and a shower.

Word count: 1037

How many chapter will this book have, we may never know

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