Lip Gloss

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Where I'm from

Girls don't wear makeup

We have to appreciate

Our natural beauty

We shouldn't cover up

Our beautiful little faces

But that doesn't stop

The yearning

Whenever I walk pass

The makeup aisles

Why can't I wear any

What if I'm not as pretty

As all the other girls in this town

What if I just want something

Just a little bit


I don't want to settle for just


Even if it's one that's flavored


I want something

Just a little more

Something with more


Something with more sparkle

Than just plain chapstick

I sneak off

And get some lip gloss

And put it on

It's different than smearing on some lip balm

But it makes me feel pretty

It has a sting to it

Almost as if knows I'm not supposed to be wearing it

So I must quickly wipe it off

Before someone catches me

But in that moment

I felt pretty enough

To be part of this town

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