Why I Stay

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All these poems

Some happy

And others

Not so much

So many of them

Are wishes to get out

Why do I stay?

It's a question I ask myself

A hundred times a day

Why do I stay?

If I so desperately want to leave

Why do I stay?

If every wish of mine is to leave

Why do I stay?

If all I ever do is think about the possibilities

I stay


Some of these poems are really happy

I stay


Of her

And because of him

I love this town

As much as I hate it

I love her

And I love him

No matter what heartache and pain they've caused me

I stay

Because I know once I leave

I'll miss this town

I know that once I've left this place behind

Left to be forgotten

It'll always nag at my heart

Telling me to come back

I stay


As much as I hate this town

It's my hometown

And it'll always have a place in my heart

Why do I stay?

I stay because some of these poems are happy

I stay

Because while I've lost a lot in this town

I've also loved

And I think

The love outweighs the loss

That's why I stay

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