Flip-Flop Summers

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It's one of those summers

Where if I must wear shoes

I'll wear flip-flops

Not sandals

Or gym shoes

But flip-flops

And that's only when

I'm told I can't go barefoot

I don't mind the blisters

And how much my feet will ache

It's just one of those kinds of summers

Running around

Getting sprayed with

Tirelessly working sprinklers

It's one of those summers

Where you lean in too close to the fountain

And fall with a splash

The locals will scold us

When I offer you my hand

And you pull me in with you

And we laugh all the harder

If anyone yells at us

We can just say it was an honest accident

Not like we want to take a dip

In fountains full of pennies

But it definitely was needed

With as intense as the heat is

I'll miss these

Flip-flop summers with you

But it'll be okay

Because not every summer can be the same

There'll be plenty of more

Flip-flop summers

For me and you

Just not together

And it'll be okay

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