Distant Rumble of Thunder

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It can start as the sunniest day

Not a cloud for miles

The sky a shade of the brightest baby blue

But then everything shifts

You don't have to be outside

Or even glance out the window

You just know

It's instinct

Maybe it's something you're born with

Or after living in the area for so long

It's just natural

To Know

And then

You're rewarded

With that distant rumble of thunder

And when you do look to the sky

It's turned grey

And heavy

And soon enough

You can actually see

The curtain of rain

Heading your way

All you can do is wait


Anything can happen at this point

As the wind picks up

And the rustle of leaves

And the windchimes go from

Tinkling together

To clanking against one another

The birds take shelter

And there's an eerie quiet

Until of course

Lightning illuminates the sky

And that distant rumble of thunder

Is a loud crack

Right above your house

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