Moss Keys and Rotting Lungs

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My lungs

Are rotting


With moss

And mildew

They're becoming

Their own ecosystem

Within me

Dirt fills them up

And pond water too

They have algae

Growing on them

They're rotting away

For so long

My lungs

And my ribs

Have served

As the perfect fortifications

Around my heart

And now they rot

Crumbling down like medieval walls

Who now

Will protect my heart?

I threw the key to it

To the bottom of a lake

Long ago


I didn't think

I needed it

I want

To go diving for it

Now that my lungs are rotting away

But I don't know

If I'd be able to find it

Among all the other

Mossy keys

My lungs are rotting

And my heart is vulnerable

I just pray

It isn't you

That finds the key

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