Living For Someone Else

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I feel like

I'm living

For someone else


It changes on the daily

It certainly

Isn't me

That's all I know for sure

I'm living for someone else

Just going through the motions

Doing things I'm not a fan of

But know other people enjoy

I do it for them

But why

If it is just a weight on me

If it just makes me exhausted

I'm living a life that is not my own

So others can live

Vicariously through me

This isn't my life

Isn't my town

I want to do something else

But it'd be letting all these other people down

Why did I agree

Did I ever agree?

I'm living someone else's life

I don't even recognize the face in the mirror

That isn't me

I'm not her

I want my life back

But how do I take over agency

Of something that never really was my own

I'm not living my own life

But I really wish I was

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