Chapter 1

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The day I met Becca Summers my whole life changed. She walked into the boardroom, her shoulder length blonde hair hung loosely. She introduced herself, I noticed her accent and then I wondered where she was from, my thoughts didn't last long because the moment she looked at me every ounce of common sense I had disappeared. Her hazel eyes met mine and for the first time I was lost, her eyes were a river and I found myself drowning in them. She smiled offering me her hand, I took it as her smile made my knees weak and her touch sent electricity though me. I don't know what had come over me, I had just laid eyes on her and already I was swooning.

"Hi, I'm Matt." I said barley hearing myself above the sound of my racing heart.
"Its really nice to meet you." She smiled brightly. Despite her accent, her voice was soft and melodic. She sat down across from me, her bandmates introduced themselves but I wasn't listening. I looked over at my own bandmates who had seemed unaffected by her. The meeting had started but to be honest I wasn't listening. I looked at Becca as she sat listening to the bald tour manager speak. I took in every detail of her as if she were a painting hanging in a gallery. She bit her bottom lip slightly and I found myself wondering what that would have felt like, her hand laid on the table and I had to control the urge to reach out and grab it. She straightened up arching her back slightly pushing out her breasts, I watched her imagining what her body looked liked under the guns and roses tank top she wore. I envied her skinny jeans for being able to feel her skin when I couldn't. She looked up as if she could hear my thoughts, her eyes meeting mine for a moment, they looked at me curious, I burned to know what she was thinking about. She looked down again blushing slightly and I wished to make her whole body flush. I shook my head trying to rid myself of the thoughts about this girl, the longer I looked at her the more I wanted to feel every inch of her, I didn't know her, I shouldn't have been thinking about doing things to her when no one was around but I did. I was a married man and although my wife Val and I were legally separated we were trying to work things out for the sake of our sons. It was going to be a long tour and a difficult one if I kept thinking of Becca the way I did.

After the meeting, I made my way home as fast as I could, the image of Becca and all the things I wanted to do to her burned in my head. Why did she have such an effect on me?

I pulled out my laptop as soon as I got inside, googling her. I wanted to know everything about her. I listened to her music and was blown away by her voice, she sang beautifully. I was a fan already.

"What are you watching?" Val asked coming into the kitchen, forcing me to look up from the blonde haired beauty that currently occupied my screen.

"Watching the band we're going on tour with." I told her honestly.

"Oh, are they any good?" She asked sitting down next to me

"Yeah, they're really good." I said as I showed her one of their music videos. Things between myself and Val hadn't been the same in years, she had spent most of her life helping out my band and making sure we were sorted, she gave up every one of her dreams to make sure all of mine came true. She was my best friend and I wouldn't be where I am without her. When she told me she wanted to separate I was devastated but I understood that she needed space to be who she was. I couldn't hold that against her, I owed her that much at least.

"Wow, I am impressed." She smiled when the song ended. "Are they going to Zacky's party?"

"I'm not sure maybe." I shrugged

"Well I hope so, I'd really like to meet them." Val said getting up. Even though we were separated we tried to keep things as civil and as normal as possible for our boys.

Zacky always had a party the night before we went on tour and to be honest I hoped he invited Dark Harlot, I had been looking forward to seeing Becca again since the meeting. To be honest all I've been listening to was her music for the past week. I stood at the bar watching every time the door opened only to be disappointed again. "Get your act together Matt." I said to myself.
I was about to give up and be content with the fact that she wasn't coming when the door opened. I looked over at her she wore a low cut black top with a pair of ripped jeans, her blond hair was now curly. Her eyes met mine for a moment and she gave me a small smile that knocked my breath right out of me. The bassist, Reeve followed in behind her, he gave her hand a small squeeze and I wondered if she was dating the caramel colored man. I put it on the list of questions I needed to ask her. Zacky greeted them at the door and brought them over to the bar for a drink.

"What will it be Becca? Chardonnay?" Zack lifted his eyebrows

"Uhm no." Becca scoffed "Whiskey please." She said quickly.

"That's interesting." I said taking a sip of my beer

She looked over at me curious "What?"

"I wouldn't have pegged you as a whiskey drinker." I gave her one of my dimpled smiles, woman couldn't resist me when I put on my Sanders charm.

"Its good for the soul." She shrugged. "You should try it." She added before walking out with Zacky and Reeve. I leaned against the bar watching her and boy did she look good from behind.

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