Chapter 15

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It was an amazing evening. Becca wanted to try and that made me so fucking happy. I smiled down at her kissing her softly. "Thank you" I whispered kissing her again deeper this time.

"If the two of you must make out can it please be in a bedroom" Michael smirked coming into the kitchen. Becca pulled away from me blushing.

"I'll remind you that this is my house Michael and if you have a problem with it you're welcome to leave" She smiled at him making him roll her eyes but the smile on his face didn't disappear 

I took her hand as we went back to the others. She pulled her hand out of mine looking down when she saw Val, I guess it was uncomfortable for her. It was slightly uncomfortable for me too but Val seemed to have absolutely no problem with it which was odd. As the night wore on we all seemed to have a great time, I know I was. Getting comfortable Becca leaned back sitting between my legs when we moved the party outside. I leaned against the wall wrapping my arms around her with her back to my chest. I took my jacket off wrapping it around her shoulders before holding her. She turned her head looking up at me smiling. God she had a beautiful smile

"You're fucking gorgeous" I said dumbstruck by her beauty.

"Thank you" She blushed her smile still on her soft face.

Leaving her that night was awful. I wanted to stay and cuddle with her the whole night but I knew if I did it would turn into something more and I wanted to take things slow for her sake. I woke up to my phone buzzing like crazy. Annoyed I looked at the notification and clicked the link that sent me through to an Instagram post from Val

There was a picture of us from last night that I didn't even know Val had taken, the picture showed Becca and I looking up at each other with the biggest smiles, me marveling at her beauty with my arms wrapped around her. I read the caption which was beautifully written. Val always had a way with words.

'For most of our lives Matt and I have been inseparable, he has been my best friend, lover, husband, soul mate. I've loved him for a lifetime and he has loved me in return. We've had two beautiful boys together and so many good times. However our love story ended years ago and while Matt was on tour I had decided it was time to file for divorce. This was not an easy decision but the best one for us. No amount of words will ever describe how thankful I am to you Matt, not only for giving me love and a life that most girls only dream of but for giving me the greatest blessings that are our children. It was almost two months ago that you met @BeckywithanS and I watched you watch her as if she was the only person in the room. I know in my soul that the two of you have something more beautiful than anything anyone could ever imagine. I know this because of the way your face lights up when she's around and the way she glows around you. I believe that not even the cosmos would be able to tear you two apart. This makes me incredibly happy as I only want the best for you and I believe that Becca can give you the love that I know you deserve.'

It was a beautiful picture with a beautiful message but it didn't seem to be well received judging from the comments, many of them nasty calling Becca horrible names that it absolutely infuriated me. I went down to the kitchen where Val sat, she looked up at me apologetically. 

"I thought it would make things better" She said with a sad look in her eyes. 

"It would have if everyone wasn't so hell bent on making Becca the villain"  I said pouring a cup of coffee. 

"It isn't fair" Val looked down

"I know" I sighed 

It wasn't long until I got the call to go to the label, I called Becca and she agreed we should go together and so we did. I held her hand as we walked into the building, people with camera's flocked outside. We kept our head down making our way inside, my hand not leaving hers until we were in the meeting room. 

"We had one request!" The publicist snapped

"and we considered it and decided against it" Becca said calmly 

"You went and screwed things up and now we need to clean up the mess." She looked at Becca furious "Matt you will release a statement apologising for cheating on your wife. Convince Val to remove that post." She looked at me "and Becca you will publicly apologise for ruining their marriage."

"I will do no such thing" I said leaning back in my chair "I didn't cheat on my wife and Val is free to post whatever she likes, I don't control her and neither do you." 

"I didn't ruin their marriage and I won't apologise for something I didn't do" Becca added 

"You will!" The publicist snapped 

"Or else what?" Becca snapped now

"We will drop you from this label" she threatened 

the executive looked at her shocked 

"Cindy lets calm down. You don't have that power" He said quickly. 

"Drop us then" Becca shrugged "If you think your threats are going to change anything you are sorely mistaken. I have made this label a mass amount of money, dropping us would be your loss. I won't sit here and be threatened by you." Becca stood "My personal life is mine and you have absolutely no say in it. I won't be conditioned and controlled into sucking the music industries cock. Threaten my band again and I'll gladly leave this label on my own accord" 

I couldn't help the smile on my face, Becca was strong willed I knew that but I liked this part of her. She walked out and I swear I saw a vein pop in Cindy's head. 

"Gentlemen" I smiled at Larry and the executive "Cindy, lets not do this again" I greeted before walking out and following Becca. 

She was going to make life interesting. 

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