Chapter 5

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I sat in the plane thinking about last night with Becca, she drove me absolutely crazy the way she moved my hand under her dress and I swear if she didn't walk away I probably would have taken her right there. I looked over at her in the isle next to us, she had her earphones in tapping her leg to the beat. I had an amazing time with her last night and I loved how there was never a dull moment when she was around. During the show earlier this evening I looked to the side of the stage and there she stood singing along to our songs and honestly it gave me a massive confidence boost to know she was enjoying the show, and it was a great show. The flight was a little less than an hour before we arrived in Spain. Exhausted we all found our beds quickly including myself. Tomorrow night we had a show and then we'd be off to London. We didn't have much time to tour around and I wondered why the label had booked us so close together, not that I minded I missed my boys and I couldn't wait to see them again. I spoke to them every night and although Cash couldn't speak yet I still listened to him babble on.

We all sat in the living room after our show in Spain, we would be leaving for London tomorrow morning, we had two shows in London so we would be staying there for three day.

"What are we doing for dinner?" Zack asked

"I saw a bar down the road, maybe we can just get some take out?" Becca shrugged

"I vote for that plan. Go get us something Becca." Reeve looked at her.

"Okay." She said getting up "any requests?" She asked getting her bag

"Whatever looks good." Brian called

"I'll go with you." I said getting my wallet.

We walked the short distance to the bar, ordering quickly. I went to the bathroom while we waited. I took a moment to admire Becca from behind as she leaned on the bar counter. Apparently the guy next to her was also admiring her when he decided to smack her on the ass. She looked over at him disgusted, anger rushed through me and apparently through her as well as she swung her fist punching him right in the face. Nice I thought to myself as I rushed over to her. At that time asshole decided to hit Becca back and that's when all I saw was red. I punched him over and over again until I felt Becca pull at me.

"Get out both of you!" The manager said handing us our food. We walked out as adrenaline coursed through me and her too I thought. We walked in silence stopping at a little café on the way, I went in buying a popsicle, Becca sat on the street bench waiting for me.

"Here." I said handing her the frozen treat

"I don't want an icy." She looked at me confused

"What?" I looked at her confused

"The icy." She waved it at me "What must I do with it?"

"Its for your face." I said taking it from her, putting it over the red part of her cheek where the asshole hit her. "Is that what you call it?" I looked at her

"Yeah, is there another name for it?" Her eyes met mine as my heart raced, noticing how close her face was to mine.

"Its a popsicle." I smiled my eyes darted to her lips then back to her cheek, fuck I wanted to kiss her so badly.

"Oh." She looked at me with her big hazel eyes, I noticed her eyes looking down at my lips for a second and I really hoped she wanted to kiss me as badly as I wanted to kiss her.

"I guess I've been in a fight now." She shrugged

"Yeah I guess you have." I looked at her

"Thank you for beating that guy up." She smiled

"I told you I'd fight your battles for you. I just didn't think it would be happening so soon." I laughed but I meant it. I'd fight the world for her.

She moved an inch closer to me, bringing her lips to mine she kissed me softly. My whole body suddenly alive with her kiss. I kissed her back instantly as heat danced through my body and the world around us disappeared.

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