Chapter 17

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"Mom was that really necessary?" I asked when Reeve stole Becca away.

"I will not indulge in your extramarital affairs" my mom snapped

"For the love of God. We didn't have an affair and even if we did, she's a fucking human being. You didn't have to be so rude!" I said frustrated

"Matthew she broke up your marriage! Do you really think I'm going to sit here and be nice to that..." she said stopping herself.

"That what mom? Whore? Slut? Please tell me what you really think." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes all of those things! It's what she is!"

"You don't even know her. If you'd given her a chance you would know she's none of those things. She beautiful and kind." I couldn't believe what my mom was saying.

"You're blinded by whatever she's feeding you. Probably thinking with your dick." She rolled her eyes

"You're just a stuck up bit..."

"Matt!" Becca interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. I turned to look at her she had tears in her eyes her nose was red that indicated that she'd already been crying. My heart sank seeing her like that. I was extremely disappointed that my mom reacted that way.

"I'm just going to go home" She gave me a small smile before walking away, I walked behind her, grabbing her arm stopping her

"Please don't leave Beck" I pleaded taking her hands in mine.

"I don't want to get in the way of you and your family and I don't want to ruin Vals night. I think it's better if I just go." She said as tears fell from her beautiful hazel eyes.

"No Becca" I said taking her face in my hands and wiping away her tears with my thumb. "I don't want you to go" I pulled her into a hug kissing the top of her head. I pulled away from the hug taking her hand I led her outside getting her away from my parents, well my mom to be exact. It wasn't long until they left which made a weight drop off my shoulders. As the night progressed it got better but I couldn't help but feel horrible for Becca. I kissed her cheek sweetly earning a smile from her.

"Do you want to go somewhere quieter?" I asked before kissing her lips sweetly

"Yes please" She nodded with a smile. I took her hand leading her inside pushing through the people and upstairs into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

"I'm sorry Matt" She said softly looking down picking at the skin around her nails.

"You have nothing to be sorry for" I took her hands in mine kissing each of them making her giggle sweetly. I looked back up at her smiling face once again taken by how beautiful she was. I brought my lips down to hers kissing her deeply, our kiss turned steamy quickly. My hands traveled down cupping her ass before lifting her, she wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her over to the bed, sitting down with her on top of me. She tangled her fingers into my hair as I kissed down her neck making her moan. My hand traveled up her sides stopping at the hem of her shirt.

"Matt?" She looked at me before pulling away

"Yes? I looked into her hazel eyes.

"If we're going to do this please don't stop" She pleaded

"I have no intention on stopping" I assured her before taking off her shirt and undoing her bra throwing them both to the ground before kissing her deeply again. I turned her over so that she was laying on her back with me hovering above her. It didn't take long for the rest of our clothes end up on the floor. I pulled away from the kiss looking at her, taking in the sight of her. I moved down kissing her neck, down her collarbone to her breasts paying each of them equal attention earning soft moans from Becca. I brought my lips back to hers moving my hand in between her legs inserting a finger inside of her making her moan once against my lips. I removed my finger placing my dick at her wet entrance. I looked at her pulling away from our kiss

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes" She said with hunger in her hazel eyes. With that I pushed gently entering her causing her to moan out loudly a hint of pain in her voice

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked even though it's the last thing I wanted but I didn't want to hurt her.

"No" She shook her head "just give me a moment to adjust" She said breathless. I kissed her deeply again as she bent her knees giving me more access. I thrusted into her being careful not to hurt her. I didn't know how long I'd be able to control myself. It felt too good inside of her. I kept a steady pace moving in and out of her. I gripped her hips as pleasure built inside of me, I moved faster thrusting into her harder this time a loud moan escaping her lips encouraging me, I loved her moan. She lifted her hips and I flipped her over as requested so that she now sat on top of me. Moving her hips back and forth, I loved this view of her as she rode me. I gripped her hips controlling her movements as I felt myself building. I sat up kissing her breasts. My hands touching every part of her, pushing into her I thrusted as we worked together. Flipping her over again without breaking our connection so that I was hovering above her in control I pushed into her harder as I felt her begin to tighten around me, I continued harder and harder, she let out a loud pleasure coated moan as I felt her cum around me. I moved faster and harder Becca's loud moans filling the room until I couldn't hold out anymore I let the sensation wash over me spilling inside of her as I came. We laid there for a moment breathless it had been a while since I've had sex so intense that my balls were slightly aching. Lifting my head I looked at her and she gave me one of those jaw dropping smiles. Tonight was one of the best nights of my life. I couldn't explain how absolutely incredible it felt feeling all of her, being with her in that way. At the risk of sounding like a cliché I was pretty fucking sure that I was in love with her.

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